50 Chickens Liberated from Farm in Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Received anonymously from frentedeliberacionanimal.net (click here and here for videos from the action):

Seven activists entered a poultry farm in Buenos Aires and freed 50 chickens whose fate would be murder after completing their cycle of exploitation by the egg industry. 20,000 of them remain there and millions will continue to be exploited and killed to sustain human demand.

Free your slaves.

Siete activistas entraron en una granja avícola de Buenos Aires liberando a 50 gallinas, cuyo destino sería el asesinato tras cumplir su ciclo de explotación por la industria del huevo. 20.000 de ellas siguen alli y millones seguiran siendo explotadas y asesinadas para sostener la demanda humana.

Libera a tus esclavxs.