Author's posts
Jul 24
Smash HLS: Post-PETA Gorilla Tactics
By Kyle Swenson Thursday, Jul 25 2013 On a scalding Saturday afternoon, nearly a dozen Miami Beach Police cars are jammed up on the lawns of a shady residential street near Mount Sinai Hospital. Cops lean against their cruisers as a mangy group of about 20 protesters spills out onto the overgrown lawn before a …
Jul 23
FBI, police, deputies look into claims by animal-rights activists By Teri Figueroa July 23, 2013 SAN DIEGO — The FBI and local authorities confirmed Monday they are investigating vandalism that self-styled animal-rights “anarchists” claimed to have done last week at San Diego’s only fur shop, as well as at the homes of the store’s owners. …
Jul 21
San Diego Fur Shop, Owner, Manager’s Residences Sabotaged by ALF
received anonymously: In the early morning hours of July 16, 2013, anarchists in San Diego took action on behalf of the millions of fur-bearing animals who are trapped, enslaved, and killed to sustain the global fur industry We first visited Furs By Graf at 7670 Claremont Mesa Boulevard in the Claremont neighborhood. Every single piece …
Jul 18
Number of animal experiments in Britain jumps 8% to 4.1million despite Coalition pledge to reduce them
Animal rights groups describe the figure, highest since 1982, as ‘shocking’ By Fiona Macrae The number of animal experiments carried out in the UK topped four million last year with a sharp increase in the number of monkeys used in laboratories. Home Office statistics show that 4.11million experiments were carried out in university, charity and …
Jul 18
Locks Glued at Portland Butcher
anonymous report: Last week, locks were glued at the Laurelhurst Market butcher shop located off E. Burnside. Your chic urban facade can not cover up the reality of the products you sell: ducks being force fed though tubes and baby cows being stolen from their mothers. This modest act should be a small reminder of …
Jul 14
Woman gored during final bull run in Spain–Spain-Running.of.the.Bulls/ PAMPLONA, Spain (AP) — A bull gored an Australian woman and left her seriously injured during the final bull run of this year’s annual San Fermin festival in Spain on Sunday. Four other runners were hospitalized with cuts and bruises. The 23-year-old woman, identified only as J.E., was gored in the back and suffered …
Jul 08
Locks Glued at Oregon Slaughterhouse; Owners Outed
anonymous report, from Portland Indymedia: Nicky USA Exotic Meats operates a slaughterhouse in Dallas, Oregon. They are responsible for the deaths of rabbits, quail, deer, elk, bison, and other animals. Jace Hentges works as their ‘master butcher,’ and murders these animals, day in, day out. We glued the locks on their offices located at 223 …
Jul 07
Indonesian loggers trapped up tree by Sumatran tigers after cub killed Several tigers have trapped five Indonesian men up a tree in a national park on Sumatra island, after mauling a sixth person to death, police say. The group was attacked on Thursday after they accidentally killed a tiger cub. One man died while the others managed to flee up some branches. The survivors alerted …
Jul 06
Windows, Locks Destroyed at Portland Seafood Shop
anonymous report, from Portland Indymedia: June 2013 Ocean Crystal Seafood is in the business of exploiting and killing marine animals. They have two United States offices: one at 1351 Elwood Street in Los Angeles, and at 11960 SW Greenburg Road in Tigard, just outside of Portland. We visited their Tigard office and cost them the …
Jul 02
Molotov Cocktails Thrown, Windows Smashed at Chicago Fast Food Restaurants
Received Anonymously: On the night of June 30th, three molotov cocktails where thrown at a Burger King location, in addition to two last week. Though the fires from the molotovs failed to destroy the building, a valid act of direct defiance was still committed and deserves acknowledgement. In addition, a window was broken out of …
Jul 01
The Cruelty of Industrial Technology
There is no brutality as wicked as systematic cruelty, and systematic cruelty only becomes widespread by aid of technology. When I was a young man before and leading up to my Vegan awakening I built slaughterhouses. Industrial plumbing, welding. structural steel and machine installation were my daily routines. One of those machines was called ‘the …
Jun 28
Portland Taxidermy Store Sabotaged (Twice)
received anonymously: Over the last week, on two separate occasions, locks were glued at Artistic Taxidermy off Foster Blvd. This company sells the bodies and fur pelts of foxes, bears, bobcats, antelope, and other wild animals obtained through the horrific practices of sport hunting and trapping. Animals caught in traps will often times suffer for …
Jun 18
Hunting Supply Store Sabotaged (Twice)
anonymous report, from Portland Indymedia: We attacked Archers Afield twice in a short period of time. They are in the business of selling commodities made to maim and kill wild non-humyns, and providing sport and “game” hunters with precision training courses. We fully intend to drive them into bankruptcy. Our first visit, we slashed several …
Jun 17
Slaughterhouse Trucks Sabotaged in Ontario, Canada
anonymous report: June 15, 2013 – Welland, Ontario, Canada – A lone ALF activist sabotaged trucks used to bring chickens to a slaughterhouse in broad daylight. The plan was to slash the tires on all of the trucks and slip away through the forested area behind the slaughterhouse, named Cami International Poultry. Truck tires are …