Author's posts
Sep 16
Tires Slashed on Dairy Company Vans in Portland, Oregon
Received anonymously: To continue the momentum of direct action targeting speciesist companies in Portland, we slashed several tires on company vans at Sunshine Dairy Foods, located at 801 NE 21st Avenue. We are happy to see the surge in illegal actions in Portland. Keep fighting. Until all humyn and non-humyn prisons are destroyed FAI – …
Sep 12
Dairy Billboards Paint-Bombed in Vancouver
The Dairy Farmers of Canada have launched a multi-million dollar advertising campaign targeting the public with their ‘100 good reasons’ to drink milk propaganda. Last week we paint bombed six of their dairy billboards in defense of the animals, the environment and public health. As long as the Pattison Group is selling ad space to …
Sep 12
Six Dairy Billboards Paint- Bombed in Vancouver
The Dairy Farmers of Canada have launched a multi-million dollar advertising campaign targeting the public with their ‘100 good reasons’ to drink milk propaganda. Last week we paint bombed six of their dairy billboards in defense of the animals, the environment and public health. As long as the Pattison Group is selling ad space to …
Sep 09
Leather Care, Fur Storage Company in Oregon Drenched in Red Paint
In solidarity with the recent acts of sabotage and liberation targeting the fur industry in Ontario, the Bay Area, and the Midwest we targeted LeatherCare inc of Oregon. This company specializes in providing maintenance services for fur and leather garments, and along with their parent company Prestige Cleaners, they operate a fur storage facility in …
Sep 05
100 Mink Liberated from Farm in Keota, Iowa
At least 100 mink were freed from cages at a fur farm in Keota, Iowa early on August 30. According to a police spokesperson (as reported on Animal Liberation Frontline), “It looked like someone had opened the lids on the cages and let them run out.” Yet Another Fur Farm Hit; Over 100 Mink freed …
Aug 30
Animal Liberation Front Floods House of Fur Auction VP
Received Anonymously: Around 7:00am on August 26, a cell of the Animal Liberation Front entered the back yard of Brian L. MacMillan, 1245 Mockingbird Lane in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. Brian is the Vice President of Wild Fur Operations at North American Fur Auctions, the largest fur auction house in North America. Brian is a terrorist …
Aug 29
Search continues for ‘liberated’ mink, fox from fur farm
Sun News (Canada) August 29th, 2013 MONTE SOLBERG | QMI AGENCY SIMCOE, Ont. — A handful of animals remains at large following a break-and-enter at a fur farm east of Simcoe this week when nearly 420 mink and 80 fox were sprung from their cages. Individuals claiming to represent the Animal Liberation Front have taken …
Aug 28
Third fur farm raid in one month: 2,000 mink released in Illinois
by Peter Young Animal Liberation Frontline Saturday, Aug 28, 2013 In yet another large action this summer, 2,000 mink are released from a small farm in Illinois. Local media is reporting 2,000 mink were released on August 14th from a fur farm in Morris, Illinois. Police state they received a call at 5am on August …
Aug 28
Animal rights group claims responsibility for vandalism at Lapeer County meat facility
MLive (Michigan) By Gary Ridley | August 28, 2013 NORTH BRANCH, MI — Law enforcement officials believe “radical” animal activists are responsible for vandalism at a North Branch-area meat production facility. Lapeer County Sheriff Lt. Gary Parks said detectives from his office are investigating an incident that occurred early Monday, Aug. 26, at McNees …
Aug 28
Animal rights group vandalizes Michigan slaughterhouse
Brett Wessler Drover’s Cattle Network 08/28/2013 An animal rights group allegedly claimed responsibility for vandalizing a Michigan slaughterhouse and one of its vehicles and freeing cows from the facility Monday morning. The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) released an email following the incident at McNee’s Meats. Members of the group spray-painted “Meat is Murder” on the …
Aug 27
Fox, mink sprung from fur farm (800 liberated from Simcoe Ontario Fur Farm)
By Monte Sonnenberg Simcoe Reformer August 27, 2013 SIMCOE – Animal rights activists have taken credit for the mass release of fox and mink at a fur farm east of Simcoe this week. Nearly 500 animals in all were released sometime early Monday morning at the Bollert Fur Farm on Highway 3 west of Renton. The culprits …
Aug 27
800 Captive Mink and Fox Liberated from Simcoe, Ontario Fur Farm
Received Anonymously: In the early morning of August 26, 2013, the ALF raided Royal Oak Fur Farm in Simcoe, Ontario. We approached the fur farm and laid down in the tall grass so we could watch the guard’s building for any sign of movement. Once we were satisfied it was empty, we cut the bands …
Aug 26
Michigan Slaughterhouse Wrecked, Cows Released
Received Anonymously: In the early morning of August 26th two ALF members traveled three hours to a small town called North Branch, MI to vandalize and liberate a family slaughterhouse called ‘Mcnee’s Meats’ -years prior the beef they sold was even tested positive for E. Coli. One member glued the ignition to the transport truck …
Aug 24
San Francisco Fur and Leather Shop Sabotaged, Twice
Received Anonymously: Last week, a lone volunteer with the Animal Liberation Front paid a visit to B.B. Hawk Fur and Leather at 25 Division Street in San Francisco. A window was destroyed with glass etching cream. A police car drove by at slow speed so an exit was made before more damage could be done. …
Aug 22
Minneapolis Fur Shop Sabotaged
Received Anonymously: Two windows smashed, in addition to locks glued, at on the night of August 22. William Ribnick, be warned: As long as you continue to profit off of the captivity, electrocution, and gassing of wild animals, we will be back time and time again. We would like to dedicate this action to Marie …