Tag: hunters

Magpies Liberated, Trap Destroyed (Ireland)

Received anonymously: The Daoine Maithe were out in the East of Ireland today, they found two tortured magpies bleeding from their beaks inside a Larsen trap, freed them and they flew off. Trap disposed of. AHAB.

Shooting Stands Destroyed (UK)

Received anonymously: on 12th June we headed to Stutton shooting estate in Suffolk we picked this date because it coincides with the birthday of our comrade Annna Campbell, who was killed by the fascist Turkish state while fighting for liberation in Rojava though once a glamorous shooting estate, it’s now seen better days many of …

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Shooting Stands Destroyed (UK)

Received anonymously: on 12th June we headed to Stutton shooting estate in Suffolk we picked this date because it coincides with the birthday of our comrade Annna Campbell, who was killed by the fascist Turkish state while fighting for liberation in Rojava though once a glamorous shooting estate, it’s now seen better days many of …

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Russian ALF Destroys Hunting Towers and Bird Traps

Received anonymously: Hunting towers and bird traps destroyed. 2 hunting towers toppled, 1 concealed firing position on the ground destroyed, 2 bird traps and 2 land traps removed in Southern Crimea in a series of day-time raids. – ALF-Russia.

Hunting Tower Destroyed (France)

Received anonymously: At the end of May 2021, in the department of Seine-et-Marne (77), we, antispeciesist activists, destroyed a hunting tower in broad daylight. A few days before the beginning of the killings authorized by the state, we decided to help the inhabitants of the forest against the ones who would like to see them …

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Hunting Tower Destroyed (France)

Received anonymously: At the end of May 2021, in the department of Seine-et-Marne (77), we, antispeciesist activists, destroyed a hunting tower in broad daylight. A few days before the beginning of the killings authorized by the state, we decided to help the inhabitants of the forest against the ones who would like to see them …

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4 Hunting Towers Destroyed by ALF (Germany)

Received anonymously: They become higher, have concrete foundations and metal anchors. yet they fall 4 hunting towers destroyed  

4 Hunting Towers Destroyed by ALF (Germany)

Received anonymously: They become higher, have concrete foundations and metal anchors. yet they fall 4 hunting towers destroyed  

Hunting Towers Destroyed by ALF in Serbia

Received anonymously: On the night of May 14-15 in Serbia, ALF activists destroyed two hunting towers and damaged two more. It is a great honor to be part of the global ALF team. For freedom – for justice – for peace

Hunting Towers Destroyed by ALF in Serbia

Received anonymously: On the night of May 14-15 in Serbia, ALF activists destroyed two hunting towers and damaged two more. It is a great honor to be part of the global ALF team. For freedom – for justice – for peace

More Shooting Towers Sabotaged in Norfolk (UK)

Received anonymously: 14th May 2021 More shooting towers taken down in Norfolk, UK. Photos show the toppled towers, which then had parts removed, bent and scattered. Shame on Norfolk Wildlife ‘Trust’ for putting these in ‘their’ woodland.

More Shooting Towers Sabotaged in Norfolk (UK)

Received anonymously: 14th May 2021 More shooting towers taken down in Norfolk, UK. Photos show the toppled towers, which then had parts removed, bent and scattered. Shame on Norfolk Wildlife ‘Trust’ for putting these in ‘their’ woodland.

2 Hunting Towers Destroyed, 4000 Euros in Damages (Germany)

According to mainstream media reports, two Hunting towers were destroyed in Auringer Wald, Germany. A third one was found to have the ladder sneakily sawn in order to break when in use. The hunters report that the sabotage has costed them about 4000 Euros and that because the hunting towers cannot be insured, they will …

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2 Hunting Towers Destroyed, 4000 Euros in Damages (Germany)

According to mainstream media reports, two Hunting towers were destroyed in Auringer Wald, Germany. A third one was found to have the ladder sneakily sawn in order to break when in use. The hunters report that the sabotage has costed them about 4000 Euros and that because the hunting towers cannot be insured, they will …

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Duck Blinds Sabotaged (New Zealand)

Received anonymously: Duck shooting has started once again in New Zealand. Many ducks and other birds will be blasted from the skies, this annual slaughter is painted by the media and hunters as ‘sport’ and a ‘great day out for all’ etc. Mai Mais (duck hunting blinds) have been pulled down and claimed hunting spots …

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