Tag: hens

ALF Liberates 5 Chickens (Argentina)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translation): With happiness we claim responsibility for the liberation of five chickens. Searching to avoid the passivity complicit with speciesism we found one of many places where humans exploit chickens, who they’ll kill so despicable beings eat them. With the quietness of wild animals we managed to take a few from the …

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ALF Liberates 11 Hens from Egg Farm (Bavaria)

Received anonymously: We came in the dark so these innocent animals would see the light the next morning. They did. We have already been in the exact same egg farm 4 times before and liberated 36 hens from this place in total in 2023. We never claimed these actions until now because we hope the …

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73 Pullets Liberated by ALF (Victoria, Australia)

Received anonymously: Here we are again, another so-called free range egg farm entered by the A.L.F, taking with us 73 pullets. These little babies will no longer serve humans for profit. Instead, they will find the gentle side to human hands, surrounded by compassion and love. Until every cage is empty, keep liberating. The A.L.F …

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ALF LIberates 33 Rabbits, 6 Doves, 3 Hens (Italy)

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ENGLISH (translation): 26 March 2024, Northern Italy Liberated: 33 rabbits, 6 doves, 3 hens. On a full moon night, we crossed mountain paths to reach the innocent and oblivious victims of this sick society convinced that animals are objects to be exploited. Fuck them all: the only law we follow is based on …

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ALF Liberates 6 Roosters, 3 Chickens and 3 Pigeons (Italy)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translation): We were in the dark, light never came in even during the day, we were without water, in the dirt. The space was too small for us 6 roosters, 3 chickens and 3 pigeons and we often fought with each other to the point of hurting each other. One day, in …

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49 Hens Liberated (UK)

Received anonymously: With so much talk recently about cage-free being better for hens, we wanted to see for ourselves. We went to a free-range farm to see how much ‘better’ it really is for the hens and it was fucking disgusting. Dead and dying birds were everywhere. The rest had next to no feathers left. …

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49 Hens Liberated (UK)

Received anonymously: With so much talk recently about cage-free being better for hens, we wanted to see for ourselves. We went to a free-range farm to see how much ‘better’ it really is for the hens and it was fucking disgusting. Dead and dying birds were everywhere. The rest had next to no feathers left. …

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99 Hens Liberated from Egg Farm (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Animal Liberation Activists went into an intensive egg farm with layer hens kept in battery cages. This time they liberated 99 animals. All of them get new homes after recuperation and medical treatment. WE WON’T STOP – Until Every Cage Is Empty

99 Hens Liberated from Egg Farm (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Animal Liberation Activists went into an intensive egg farm with layer hens kept in battery cages. This time they liberated 99 animals. All of them get new homes after recuperation and medical treatment. WE WON’T STOP – Until Every Cage Is Empty

20 Hens Liberated from Egg Farm (UK)

Received anonymously: We took action in the middle of the night to save as many lives as we could carry. Scummy egg farmers confine tens of thousands of hens into sheds filled with faeces and rotting dead birds and they get away with it. We targeted a free-range farm that was no better standards than …

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20 Hens Liberated from Egg Farm (UK)

Received anonymously: We took action in the middle of the night to save as many lives as we could carry. Scummy egg farmers confine tens of thousands of hens into sheds filled with faeces and rotting dead birds and they get away with it. We targeted a free-range farm that was no better standards than …

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55 Hens Liberated (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Animal Liberation Activists went into an intensive egg farm with layer hens kept in battery cages. This time they liberated 55 animals. All of them get new homes after recuperation and medical treatment. WE WON’T STOP – Until Every Cage Is Empty  

55 Hens Liberated (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Animal Liberation Activists went into an intensive egg farm with layer hens kept in battery cages. This time they liberated 55 animals. All of them get new homes after recuperation and medical treatment. WE WON’T STOP – Until Every Cage Is Empty  

ALF Liberates 40 Hens in Solidarity with Barry Horne (Italy)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH: In the night a group belonging to the Animal Liberation Front broke into one of the many prisons where suffering and death reign, freeing 40 animals from the evil fate imposed on them by criminal humans. Our only regret is we were not able to save more. In memory of Barry Horne. …

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ALF Liberates 40 Hens in Solidarity with Barry Horne (Italy)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH: In the night a group belonging to the Animal Liberation Front broke into one of the many prisons where suffering and death reign, freeing 40 animals from the evil fate imposed on them by criminal humans. Our only regret is we were not able to save more. In memory of Barry Horne. …

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