Tag: greece

Butcher Shop Windows Smashed (Patras, Greece)

7th March, Patras, Greece. Originally published on Athens indymedia. ENGLISH (translation) Taking responsibility for an attack on a butcher’s shop [Patras] The struggle for anarchy must be multiform and anti-crisisism can only be an integral part of it. We understand anarchy also in the light of total liberation, we oppose all forms of power and …

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Game Farm Sabotaged, Deer and Wild Boar Liberated (Greece)

Originally published on Athens Indymedia. ENGLISH (translation): When others exchange recipes, we wear hoods. At dawn on Sunday we invaded the Vassiliadis and Kavouras ‘game farm’ in Megara. First we tore down the fence of the wild boar enclosure and then we opened the doors of the deer cage. We refuse the role of ‘liberator’ …

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Supermarket Sabotage at Christmas (Athens, Greece)

Received anonymously: While life in the metropolis becomes more and more difficult for human and non-human animals who try to survive in it, the mayor of athens decided to remind us this year how easily τhe states domination can destroy nature, by placing a 21 meters tree from karpenisi, in syntagma square. Under the tree …

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Three Meat Trucks Burned in Solidarity with Anarchist Political Prisoners (Greece)

via: Act For Free “Athens, Explosive attack on meat industry – Signal of solidarity to G.Michailidis and to Alfredo Cospito by Anarchists With this text we take responsibility for the fire of 3 refrigerator-trucks of Davoutis SA, in Nea Ionia, Athens. All three trucks, which were parked next to the main shop-slaughterhouse of the company, were …

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Three Meat Trucks Burned in Solidarity with Anarchist Political Prisoners (Greece)

via: Act For Free “Athens, Explosive attack on meat industry – Signal of solidarity to G.Michailidis and to Alfredo Cospito by Anarchists With this text we take responsibility for the fire of 3 refrigerator-trucks of Davoutis SA, in Nea Ionia, Athens. All three trucks, which were parked next to the main shop-slaughterhouse of the company, were …

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