Tag: fox liberation

ALF Liberates 30 Foxes at Ohio Fur Farm (USA)

Received anonymously: On a chilly night last weekend, members of the ALF visited Grand River Fur Exchange in Rome, Ohio (6310 US Highway 6) and liberated 30 foxes being held captive there, destined for imminent slaughter so their skins could be sold for profit. One thing we noticed about this particular farm, though at first …

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ALF Liberates 30 Foxes at Ohio Fur Farm (USA)

Received anonymously: On a chilly night last weekend, members of the ALF visited Grand River Fur Exchange in Rome, Ohio (6310 US Highway 6) and liberated 30 foxes being held captive there, destined for imminent slaughter so their skins could be sold for profit. One thing we noticed about this particular farm, though at first …

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Every Fox Liberated from Minnesota Fur Farm (USA)

Received anonymously: this is a call to action. there are a small number of fox prisons left in the so called usa. we went to one owned by tim jahr at 21496 401st Avenue Arlington, MN 55307.we opened every fox cage. they were extremely scared at first but then one popped their beautiful little head …

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Every Fox Liberated from Minnesota Fur Farm (USA)

Received anonymously: this is a call to action. there are a small number of fox prisons left in the so called usa. we went to one owned by tim jahr at 21496 401st Avenue Arlington, MN 55307.we opened every fox cage. they were extremely scared at first but then one popped their beautiful little head …

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