Tag: biotec

Vivisector Biotec Campus Sabotaged (Philadelphia, US)

via: Philly Anti-Capitalist. On June 1, under the moonlight, some feral gnomes poured grit into the lubrication system of an earth destroying machine – paralyzing it before it kills more of the post-industrial wild habitat in Bartram’s. The goal of this earth destroyer, and the developers in power of it, is to raze the land, killing …

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Vivisector Biotec Campus Sabotaged (Philadelphia, US)

via: Philly Anti-Capitalist. On June 1, under the moonlight, some feral gnomes poured grit into the lubrication system of an earth destroying machine – paralyzing it before it kills more of the post-industrial wild habitat in Bartram’s. The goal of this earth destroyer, and the developers in power of it, is to raze the land, killing …

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