By Nicolás Parra Tapia, Felipe Díaz Montero and Camilo Suazo. Friday 04 November 2022 | 14:04 BBCL (Chile) Translation to English by GoogleTranslate. Read it in Spanish here. One by one, the detectives picked up the crumbs that the group that attacked a meat distribution center in Quilicura left on the road as they fled. …
Tag: animal liberation
Nov 04
5 Pigs Liberated from Intensive Breeding Facility
Received via 296 Liberation Animal: VIDEO STORY OF THE « OPERATION ROSE » : LIBERATION OF FIVE PIGS IN AN INTENSIVE BREEDING, BY THE COLLECTIVE 269 LIBÉRATION ANIMALE . Direct action illustrated by the videographer @lucie_aragon who has been documenting the fight of antispeciesists for several years and who joined us during this twentieth liberation …
Nov 04
5 Pigs Liberated from Intensive Breeding Facility
Received via 296 Liberation Animal: VIDEO STORY OF THE « OPERATION ROSE » : LIBERATION OF FIVE PIGS IN AN INTENSIVE BREEDING, BY THE COLLECTIVE 269 LIBÉRATION ANIMALE . Direct action illustrated by the videographer @lucie_aragon who has been documenting the fight of antispeciesists for several years and who joined us during this twentieth liberation …
Nov 04
ALF Destroys Badger Cages, Sabotage Tractor (Northamptonshire, UK)
Received anonymously: In the middle of the night, guided by the bright lights of the machines building the monstrosity that will become HS2, we paid a visit to a farm in south Northamptonshire. We were not looking for badger cages, but that is what we found; piled up in a dark corner, surrounded by calves …
Nov 04
ALF Destroys Badger Cages, Sabotage Tractor (Northamptonshire, UK)
Received anonymously: In the middle of the night, guided by the bright lights of the machines building the monstrosity that will become HS2, we paid a visit to a farm in south Northamptonshire. We were not looking for badger cages, but that is what we found; piled up in a dark corner, surrounded by calves …
Oct 29
Mouse, 8 Worms Liberated from Pet Shop (Czech Republic)
Received anonymously: Our brothers and sisters, who are imprisoned in pet shops and reduced to mere commodities are pretty much forgotten. We managed to rescue 1 mouse and 8 worms. Still, we are sorry that we were not able to free all of them, but at least these creatures have had their lives changed. They …
Oct 29
Mouse, 8 Worms Liberated from Pet Shop (Czech Republic)
Received anonymously: Our brothers and sisters, who are imprisoned in pet shops and reduced to mere commodities are pretty much forgotten. We managed to rescue 1 mouse and 8 worms. Still, we are sorry that we were not able to free all of them, but at least these creatures have had their lives changed. They …
Oct 28
Bear Hunt Infrastructure Attacked (Sweden)
Received anonymously: In solidarity with the hunt saboteurs who defended the bears in the Woods, a gang of anonymous activists crashed the bear hunt in Sweden. Among other things: vandalizing a shooting range, destroying hunting towers, and sending personal messages, both to the hunting organisation, and to individual hunters: “STOP KILLING BEARS!”. – UNTIL ALL …
Oct 28
Bear Hunt Infrastructure Attacked (Sweden)
Received anonymously: In solidarity with the hunt saboteurs who defended the bears in the Woods, a gang of anonymous activists crashed the bear hunt in Sweden. Among other things: vandalizing a shooting range, destroying hunting towers, and sending personal messages, both to the hunting organisation, and to individual hunters: “STOP KILLING BEARS!”. – UNTIL ALL …
Oct 21
Grupo de Respuesta Animal Burns Meat Packing Plant (Chile)
Received anonymously: Most of all I regret my restraint, because regardless of the damage we caused to those businesses, if those farms are still open, if even one animal was left behind, then it wasn’t enough. I do not intend to rid myself of the consequences of these acts by begging for mercy or appealing …
Oct 21
Grupo de Respuesta Animal Burns Meat Packing Plant (Chile)
Received anonymously: Most of all I regret my restraint, because regardless of the damage we caused to those businesses, if those farms are still open, if even one animal was left behind, then it wasn’t enough. I do not intend to rid myself of the consequences of these acts by begging for mercy or appealing …