Received anonymously: ‘Tis the season for new forms of direct action against the mink murder industry! In December mink farms murder all captive animals to steal their fur for profit. Each liberation and farm closure is inspiring news but farms are just one piece of the profit machine. The people who run that industry have …
Tag: Animal Liberation Front
Nov 22
ALF Destroys Hunting Tower in North Italy, In Solidarity with the Pigs Murdered by the Government
IN SOLIDARITY WITH THE CUORI LIBERI PIGS MURDERED BY THE GOVERNMENT. Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translated) On the night of November 22, we attacked a hunting tower rendering it useless for a quite a while. “in memory of the Amarena Bear and the bears of Trentino.” And for the pigs of the Free Hearts sanctuary killed …
Nov 22
ALF Destroys Hunting Tower in North Italy, In Solidarity with the Pigs Murdered by the Government
IN SOLIDARITY WITH THE CUORI LIBERI PIGS MURDERED BY THE GOVERNMENT. Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translated) On the night of November 22, we attacked a hunting tower rendering it useless for a quite a while. “in memory of the Amarena Bear and the bears of Trentino.” And for the pigs of the Free Hearts sanctuary killed …
Nov 22
ALF Destroys Hunting Tower in North Italy, In Solidarity with the Pigs Murdered by the Government
IN SOLIDARITY WITH THE CUORI LIBERI PIGS MURDERED BY THE GOVERNMENT. Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translated) On the night of November 22, we attacked a hunting tower rendering it useless for a quite a while. “in memory of the Amarena Bear and the bears of Trentino.” And for the pigs of the Free Hearts sanctuary killed …
Nov 21
ALF Liberates 30 Foxes at Ohio Fur Farm (USA)
Received anonymously: On a chilly night last weekend, members of the ALF visited Grand River Fur Exchange in Rome, Ohio (6310 US Highway 6) and liberated 30 foxes being held captive there, destined for imminent slaughter so their skins could be sold for profit. One thing we noticed about this particular farm, though at first …
Nov 21
ALF Liberates 30 Foxes at Ohio Fur Farm (USA)
Received anonymously: On a chilly night last weekend, members of the ALF visited Grand River Fur Exchange in Rome, Ohio (6310 US Highway 6) and liberated 30 foxes being held captive there, destined for imminent slaughter so their skins could be sold for profit. One thing we noticed about this particular farm, though at first …
Oct 30
ALF Destroys Hunting Stand, Vandalizes Subway Restaurant in Dublin (Ireland)
Received anonymously: In Dublin we destroyed a hunting seat. Now instead of being an instrument of death and cruelty it can be a home for woodlice, birds, squirrels, and all the wild beings that live in the area. We have also continued our campaign of vandalism over the last few months against the advertisement of …
Oct 30
ALF Destroys Hunting Stand, Vandalizes Subway Restaurant in Dublin (Ireland)
Received anonymously: In Dublin we destroyed a hunting seat. Now instead of being an instrument of death and cruelty it can be a home for woodlice, birds, squirrels, and all the wild beings that live in the area. We have also continued our campaign of vandalism over the last few months against the advertisement of …
Oct 29
ALF Destroys 4 Hunting Towers (Germany)
Received anonymously: On a beautiful October night, we sawed down four hunter seats and damaged one. We also spray-painted “Hunting is unnecessary violence” and a greeting from the ALF directly on the game preserve. There the animals are locked up to be gawked at and shot. Fortunately, we are not these insane and cowardly murderers …
Oct 29
ALF Destroys 4 Hunting Towers (Germany)
Received anonymously: On a beautiful October night, we sawed down four hunter seats and damaged one. We also spray-painted “Hunting is unnecessary violence” and a greeting from the ALF directly on the game preserve. There the animals are locked up to be gawked at and shot. Fortunately, we are not these insane and cowardly murderers …
Oct 29
Former Animal Liberation Front Member Challenges Fur Commission USA Director and Fur Farmers to Debate
Update: Fur Commission USA has issued a statement saying it “staunchly refuses to engage with or validate terrorists groups by offering them a media platform”. Good call, FCUSA! Former Animal Liberation Front (ALF) member and current North American Animal Liberation Press Officer Joseph Buddenberg challenges Fur Commission USA Executive Director Challis Hobbs or mink farmer …
Oct 27
Reward offered in Sunbury released minks case (Pennsylvania, USA)
By Francis Scarcella SUNBURY — A $1,000 reward is being offered for any information leading to the arrest of individuals involved in the releasing of minks from a fur farm just outside of Sunbury. The Unified Sportsmen of Pennsylvania is offering the $1,000 reward after state police reported last month that several thousand …
Sep 18
Stahl Fur Farm in Pennsylvania Raided, Thousands of Mink Liberated (USA)
For immediate release September 18, 2023 Although an anonymous communique has yet to be received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, news media reports that the only remaining fur farm in Pennsylvania, Stahl Fur Farm, was raided this weekend and 6000-8000 captive mink destined to be killed in November were liberated. The farm …
Sep 15
37 Years of Direct Action Against Fur Farms in America
1986-2023: 37 Years of Direct Action Against Fur Farms in America There have been at least 116 fur farm raids in America over the last 37 years; more than 160,000 fur bearing captive animals have been liberated, given a new chance at life after spending their entire lives in small metal cages. At least 43 of …
Aug 15
ALF Destroys Wild Boar Traps (Italy)
Received anonymously: ENG (translation): Spina Verde Park Authority in Como has declared war on wild boars by placing trap cages for the poor animals, which, once caught, are mercilessly killed. Well, we also declare war towards anyone who abuses, rapes and slaughters innocent animals blamelessly. We will destroy all your instruments of death. Animal Liberation …