Received anonymously: ENG (translation): Spina Verde Park Authority in Como has declared war on wild boars by placing trap cages for the poor animals, which, once caught, are mercilessly killed. Well, we also declare war towards anyone who abuses, rapes and slaughters innocent animals blamelessly. We will destroy all your instruments of death. Animal Liberation …
Tag: ALF
Jul 30
ALF Liberates 80 Chickens (Trento, Italy)
According to local media, the Animal Liberation Front liberated eighty hens from a smallholding. The owner says this is the second time it has happened and that this time they just left the gate open so they wouldn’t destroy anything if they came back, claiming that the first time they cut the metal fence to …
Jul 30
ALF Liberates 80 Chickens (Trento, Italy)
According to local media, the Animal Liberation Front liberated eighty hens from a smallholding. The owner says this is the second time it has happened and that this time they just left the gate open so they wouldn’t destroy anything if they came back, claiming that the first time they cut the metal fence to …
Jul 27
ALF Rescues a Decoy Magpie and Destroys a Larsen Trap (Nottingham, UK)
Delayed report, winter 2023, Nottingham UK. Received anonymously: Just as the new year started we heard rumours of a scumbag shooting birds at the edge of a nature reserve. We decided to go check it out and we found one of the most grotesque scenes we could’ve ever imagined. All around the nature reserve, signs …
Jul 27
ALF Rescues a Decoy Magpie and Destroys a Larsen Trap (Nottingham, UK)
Delayed report, winter 2023, Nottingham UK. Received anonymously: Just as the new year started we heard rumours of a scumbag shooting birds at the edge of a nature reserve. We decided to go check it out and we found one of the most grotesque scenes we could’ve ever imagined. All around the nature reserve, signs …
Jul 21
ALF Sabotage Butcher (Eslov, Sweden)
Received anonymously: On the night of 18 July a butcher shop in Eslöv, Sweden that has previously been targeted received one nice new Alf logo and a repainted entrance, to cause some trouble for the animal abusing scum. And if it weren’t for a private security car bothering, the whole building would have been redecorated! …
Jul 21
ALF Sabotage Butcher (Eslov, Sweden)
Received anonymously: On the night of 18 July a butcher shop in Eslöv, Sweden that has previously been targeted received one nice new Alf logo and a repainted entrance, to cause some trouble for the animal abusing scum. And if it weren’t for a private security car bothering, the whole building would have been redecorated! …
Jul 18
ALF Sabotage Fast Food Advertisements in Dublin (Ireland)
Received anonymously: Over several nights many advertising signs were vandalised in Dublin. Advertisement plays a key role in animal exploitation so these signs were turned into anti-speciesist advertisement. Not only does fast play one of the biggest parts in animal genocide it contributes massively to climate change and deforestation of rainforests which is home for …
Jul 18
ALF Sabotage Fast Food Advertisements in Dublin (Ireland)
Received anonymously: Over several nights many advertising signs were vandalised in Dublin. Advertisement plays a key role in animal exploitation so these signs were turned into anti-speciesist advertisement. Not only does fast play one of the biggest parts in animal genocide it contributes massively to climate change and deforestation of rainforests which is home for …
Jul 04
ALF Destroys Boar Trap (Lombardy, Italy)
Received anonymously: ENG 23/06/2023, Verbano Cusio Ossola, Lombardia. We intervened to destroy a boar cage trap set by the regional government. This action will be followed by others. NO TRUCE for the animal murderers. ALF. IT 23/06/2023, Verbano Cusio Ossola, Lombardia. Siamo intervenuti per distruggere una gabbia trappola per cinghiali posizionata dalla provincia. A questa …
Jul 04
ALF Destroys Boar Trap (Lombardy, Italy)
Received anonymously: ENG 23/06/2023, Verbano Cusio Ossola, Lombardia. We intervened to destroy a boar cage trap set by the regional government. This action will be followed by others. NO TRUCE for the animal murderers. ALF. IT 23/06/2023, Verbano Cusio Ossola, Lombardia. Siamo intervenuti per distruggere una gabbia trappola per cinghiali posizionata dalla provincia. A questa …
Jun 16
Eastern US Fur Farm Survey Reveals Numerous Closures
Recently, anonymous aboveground activists conducted research of east coast fur farms, with the purpose of determining operational status and the number of active fur farms in the eastern United States, primarily Pennsylvania and New York. Of the 18 farms visited, only one farm was confirmed as an active mink farm, the Stahl mink farm in …
Jun 07
ALF Liberates Captive Lamb in Solidarity with Marius Mason (Midlands, UK)
Received anonymously: Lamb liberated in solidarity with Marius Mason and all long term anarchist prisoners. We’d seen the lambs many times, we knew, while they were with their mums now, it wouldn’t be that long before they fattened up and the farmer sent them to slaughter. The field was easy to access but watchful mums …
Jun 07
ALF Liberates Captive Lamb in Solidarity with Marius Mason (Midlands, UK)
Received anonymously: Lamb liberated in solidarity with Marius Mason and all long term anarchist prisoners. We’d seen the lambs many times, we knew, while they were with their mums now, it wouldn’t be that long before they fattened up and the farmer sent them to slaughter. The field was easy to access but watchful mums …
Jun 06
ALF Destroys 20,000 Eggs at Hatchery (Denmark)
Received anonymously: A few nights ago the ALF attacked one of the largest hatcheries for the egg industry in Denmark. A well coordinated attack by activists on one of the largest hatcheries for the egg industry in Denmark. Over 20,000 fertilized eggs where kept in a cooling room, which prevents the eggs from developing into …