Communiqué from ALF activists Date: December 18, 2007 Institution targeted: Strathmore Furs According to Newsday newspaper, a brick shattered the glass front door of Strathmore Furs (433 Hempstead Ave.) in West Hempstead, New York, late on December 18. Reportedly, a note attached to the brick suggested that owner Thomas Szenes close down the store. Mr. …
Dec 07
OHSU Primate Vivisector Miles Joseph Novy has Cars Painted and Stripped
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: December 7, 2007 Institution targeted: OHSU Primate Vivisector Received anonymously In the dark morning fog of December 6, 2007, the Animal Liberation Front set its sights on the home of OHSU researcher Miles Joseph Novy, xxxx Southwest Nottingham Drive in Portland, Oregon, dessimating his cars with grafitti and paint stripper. …
Dec 06
UCSD Gets Bomb Scare
Nov 27
Jimmy Blackman Deputy Mayor over LAAS has Ford Explorer Paint Stripped
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: November 27, 2007 Institution targeted: Los Angeles Animal Services Received anonymously Late Friday, Nov 23 we paint strippered the white ford explorer license number 4XRL092 in front of the house Jimmy Blackman owns at xxxx Bessemer Street. Stop the murder of innocent shelter animals at LA Animal Services, Mr. Deputy …
Nov 26
Los Angeles Mayor Continues Killing of City’s Companion Animals
For Immediate Release November 26, 2007 Los Angeles Mayor Continues Killing of City’s Companion Animals Activists Send Message to Quit, Loud and Clear Los Angeles- Since 2003 activists have focused on Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa of Los Angeles, who has repeatedly failed to hire experts to evaluate the mismanaged and corrupt Los Angeles Animal Services and …
Nov 20
For Immediate Release November 20, 2007 WACHOVIA SELLS ALL SHARES OF HUNTINGDON LIFE SCIENCES FOLLOWING ATTACKS Animal Liberation Front Victorious in Campaign to End Support of Animal Abuser The North American Animal Liberation Press Office learned on Sunday that Wachovia has sold all their shares involving the notorious animal testing company Huntingdon Life Sciences. Over …
Nov 20
Second Oregon Vivisector in Six Months Targeted by Animal Liberation Front
For Immediate Release November 20, 2007 Second Oregon Vivisector in Six Months Targeted by Animal Liberation Front Miles Novy Targeted for Abusing, Killing Pregnant Primates Portland, OR- In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office last night, activists claim to have visited the home of Oregon Health Sciences primate vivisector …
Nov 19
Mayor of LA’s Sister Targeted for LAAS, House Painted Car Stripped
Communiqué from anonymous activists Date: November 19, 2007 Institution targeted: Los Angeles Animal Services Received anonymously On the night of monday november the 12 we hit the house of deborah villar. If the name sounds familiar its cause shes the sister of the mayor of los angeles, california. We spent the last couple months doing …
Nov 16
Queens Butcher Shop Painted
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: November 16, 2007 Institution targeted: Queens Butcher Shop Received anonymously On November 16, 2007 ALF visited a butcher shop in Queens, New York and spray painted ‘MEAT=MURDER, SHUT DOWN OR DIE’ across the wall. If this butcher shop does not follow the immediate request, a much more punishing action will …
Nov 12
Incendiary Device Planted at Wachovia Bank for Connection the GSK & HLS
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: November 12, 2007 Institution targeted: Huntingdon Life Sciences Investor Received anonymously 9 Nov 07 To honor the SHAC Saturday, 10 November National March and Rally, Wachovia Bank, the second largest owner of Huntingdon Life Sciences shares, was targeted on the corner of El Toro Road and Paseo de Valencia in …
Nov 09
HLS Investor Wachovia has Office Glued
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: November 9, 2007 Institution targeted: HLS Investor Wachovia Received anonymously Friday night 11/9/2007 The entry gate to the walk up teller at a Wachovia satellite office in downtown LA was made inoperable by jamming super glue into the card access slot. A small sign reading “Wachovia tortures animals. Drop HLS …
Nov 09
Tarlows Furs Calls It Quits After Locks Glued and Walls Painted
For Immediate Release November 9, 2007 Santa Clara, California Fur Store to Close After Activist Attack Tarlows Furs Calls It Quits After Locks Glued and Walls Painted Los Angeles- In an email received Thursday by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, the owner of the building housing Tarlow’s Furs in Santa Clara, California claims …
Nov 05
102 Hens Liberated from Shepherd’s Egg Farm
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: November 5, 2007 Institution targeted: Shepherd’s Egg Farm Received anonymously (See photos at bottom.) NOVEMBER 5, 2007 On the night of Thursday November 1st, the Animal Liberation Front entered a shed at Shepherd’s Egg Farm near Spanish Fork, Utah to liberate as many hens as possible from this living hell. …
Oct 29
Sabotage at Residence of UCLA Vivisector Edythe London
For Immediate Release October 29, 2007 Sabotage at Residence of UCLA Vivisector Edythe London Targeted for Addicting Animals to Nicotine, Methamphetamines Los Angeles- Primate Vivisector Edythe London was added to the roster of animal abusers at UCLA targeted by the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) for her role in torturing non-human animals to death in outdated …