Pigs Liberated from Factory Farm in Austria

Anonymous activists liberated two pigs from a factory farm in Austria. The pigs will spend the rest of their lives at a sanctuary. Click here for video from the liberation.

Butcher Shops Vandalized in Patras (Greece)

According to media reports, four butcher shops in Patras were vandalized early on December 17. Windows were broken, and “Fire to the slaughterhouses” and other slogans were painted on the shops and on vehicles.

Fur Shop Painted in Atens, Greece

Fur shop vandalized in Peristeri (Athens), Greece. Two messages were painted on the shop: “animal liberation” and “fur bleeds.”

Check Out Informers, Infiltrators, Snitches and Agents page

Press Office Note: As the New Year approaches, to help keep you on the square and know who you’re dealing with, in your interactions with Comrades and potential Comrades, please familiarize yourself with and check regularly our Informers, Infiltrators, Snitches and Agents page. “For the sake of clarity, let us be uncomfortably honest: to snitch …

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Hunting Cabin Sabotaged in France

Photos from an action at a palombiere (hunting cabin) in the South of France.              

Livestock Truck Sabotaged in Chile

anonymous report (translation by Earth First! Journal): From the Bío-Bío region in the province of Arauco. We are against human authoritarianism against different animals, whether through physical torture, mental stress, bad treatment, humiliation, rape, or death, benefits are gained for their sickly lives. Lives full of selfish and capitalist desires, like, for example, through pseudo …

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Hunting Cabin Sabotaged in France

Photos from an action at a palombiere (hunting cabin) in the South of France.              

Flashback Friday…!

#FlashbackFriday (delayed) ALF Action – December 2007 – Renogenic animal lab, Malaysia Malaysia is well known to Western animal rights activists for the threats that hunting and habitat destruction pose to orangutans. But recently another animal issue has emerged: the outsourcing of animal testing by biotech companies to Asian countries with lax (or non-existent) regulations …

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Serial cat killer allowed to roam free in Spokane, WA

Officials say ‘not a top priority’ December 9, 2016 A serial cat killer is suspected to be roaming the streets of Spokane, Washington. Since August, when local resident Wesley O’Dell found the first tortured kitten tied, taped, strangled and killed, the Spokane County Regional Animal Protection (SCRAPS) and local police have seemingly taken little interest. …

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ALF Vandalizes Butcher in Castres, France

  Received anonymously (translation): On the night of December 6, members of the ALF vandalized a butcher in Castres in the South of France: glue in the locks, window broken, and a knife used to carve the words ‘meat = murder’, ‘assassins’. As long as they continue to kill with impunity we will be there. …

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Butcher Shops Sabotaged in Munich

According to an anonymous report on linksunten.indymedia.org, during the night of December 5 four Vinzenzmurr butcher shops were attacked with paint in Munich. The activists wrote, “We are fully aware that with our action we have committed a criminal offense (property damage) in the legal sense. The real crime, however, is what man inflicts upon …

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Butcher Shops Sabotaged in Munich

According to an anonymous report on linksunten.indymedia.org, during the night of December 5 four Vinzenzmurr butcher shops were attacked with paint in Munich. The activists wrote, “We are fully aware that with our action we have committed a criminal offense (property damage) in the legal sense. The real crime, however, is what man inflicts upon …

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Hunting Cabin Sabotaged in France

Photos from an action at a palombiere (hunting cabin) in the South of France.              

Propaganda Posted in Barcelona

anonymous report (translation): The traditional festivals have their propaganda for consuming animals in various forms with the names of ‘meat, seafood, bacon, chop’, denying that behind these names are corpses of dead animals. In a decentralized way, we have been making propaganda for animal liberation in the street, for those victims who have no name, …

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ALF Liberates Rabbits, Sabotages University of La Plata University Lab (Argentina)

Received anonymously (translation): We liberated enslaved rabbits who were used for a long time as breeding machines because of their genetics, then their offspring were sold and/or tests were done with them. We know that their exploiters have been affected by this loss. We also took some time to damage some of their property. It …

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