By Rob Jennings NJ Advance Media for A pro-hunting group went public Friday with a claim that bear hunt opponents are making threats on social media. The N.J. Outdoor Alliance (NJOA) provided screenshots of several undated comments allegedly made on the Facebook page of the “BEAR Group,” which advocates against the hunt. One comment included in …
Oct 26
Open Rescue of 48 Hens (Czech Republic)
Report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): Open rescue XLV (October 2018) & In Memory Lola Veg We saved 48 hens from suffering, crying and waiting for death. We saved them from a place made for trader’s profit that politicians protect and consumers pay for. We did not ask any of them. Why …
Oct 25
Chickens, Sparrows, Blackbird Liberated (Spain)
Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal; click here for video of the rescued birds: The owner of a plot of land built small cement cubicles in order to keep lots of chickens there and make a profit from their eggs. We went to liberate them but also found some other birds inside cages. The sparrows were liberated immediately …
Oct 24
Three Women Charged With Grand Theft Felony For Saving Thrown Away Baby Cow
Common Dreams “Factory farming is inherently cruel, but even from a factory farm perspective throwing live babies into graveyard situations where they are going to languish, slowly starve to death and suffer heat stroke is a clear criminal violation. I don’t know of anyone who would argue that is an acceptable practice.” by Michael Sainato, Chelsea Skojec …
Oct 24
Dozens of Rabbits Liberated (Italy)
Received anonymously, from (translation): Dozens of lives have been saved from inside a farm. They were crammed into cages as small as their bodies, one on top of the other, as if they were things waiting to be killed and then eaten. Italian: Decine di vite salvate, stipate in gabbie anguste grandi quanto il loro corpo, …
Oct 22
5 Pigs Liberated by ALF from Iron Maiden Farm (Owensboro, Kentucky)
Received anonymously: On the night of September 29th, 5 sick piglets were liberated from Iron Maiden (Hog Farm, 6939 Curdsville Delaware Road Owensboro, KY 42301) near Owensboro, KY. Four have survived and are in good health in a sanctuary that will remain anonymous. The wickedness, stench and cruelty of this prison forced us into action. We feel relieved …
Oct 19
ALF Liberates Captive Birds (Italy)
Received anonymously (translation): A cell of the ALF broke into the property of Mr. Martinelli in Capannoli (Lucca). Mr. Martinelli breeds and captures birds that he sells to his hunter friends. We opened an entrance to the aviary (approx. 10 X 3m) that held blackbirds and thrushes. After that we damaged another enclosure holding deer …
Oct 16
Liberate: Stories and Lessons on Animal Liberation Above the Law
New title from Peter Young, available January 2019 A collection of essays, lecture transcripts, and unpublished writings from former animal liberation prisoner Peter Young. Breaking into farms and labs. Researching ALF targets. Fugitive stories of being hunted by the FBI. History of ALF lab raids. How to liberate animals from farms (and more). Prison survival …
Oct 14
Compassion Vs. Consumption (Latest Essay from Animal Liberation Prisoner Walter Bond)
From: WALTER EDMUND BOND (37096013) Date: 10/12/2018 9:19:23 AM Subject: Compassion Vs. Consumption Human greed and avarice has been killing the planet and this has been the case for a long time running. And now it has been ramped up to a fever pitch with the advent of the industrial revolution. Ever driven by a …