Nothing is more harmful to the animal liberation movement than snitching. By assisting the government in their hunt for liberators, the snitch condemns the animals to lives of suffering and death. The snitch pledges allegiance to law enforcement and the status quo to protect him or herself, condemning their comrades to prison in order to …
Category: Press Releases
Jul 09
Antispeciesism Gathering in Hambach Forest (Germany)
When? 17th-20th August. Where? Hambacher Forst, (near Cologne), Germany. We have received a call to join the 4th Forest Anti-Spe Days gathering in Hambi. Read below, and find more information on their website! FOREST ANTI-SPE DAYS #4 ANIMAL RESISTANCE, SPREAD THE DESTRUCTION JOIN US FOR A GATHERING FOR ANIMAL LIBERATION, AUGUST 17-20 2023, HAMBACHER FOREST We send …
Jun 16
Eastern US Fur Farm Survey Reveals Numerous Closures
Recently, anonymous aboveground activists conducted research of east coast fur farms, with the purpose of determining operational status and the number of active fur farms in the eastern United States, primarily Pennsylvania and New York. Of the 18 farms visited, only one farm was confirmed as an active mink farm, the Stahl mink farm in …
Jun 01
Face to Face with Fur Farmer Kevin Dargatz at the American Mink Exchange Auction
Palace Station Hotel, May 31, 2023, Las Vegas Las Vegas: 1.26 million dead mink “pelts” were offered for sale at auction this week. Leading the sale was notorious fur farmer Kevin Dargatz. a monster responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of mink throughout his career. Year after year, he confines these innocent beings …
May 30
Support Animal Liberation Prisoner Ladislav Kuc
Ladislav is a Slovenian activist who was arrested in January 2012, to be charged for an explosion outside of a McDonalds restaurant. Ladislav was later sent to prison for 12 years. Ladislav is soon coming home! January 1, 2024 he will finally walk out of prison. You can support Ladislav by donate money to his …
May 23
Direct Action Success Story (Denmark)
Mid May, activists in Denmark liberated two lobsters from a MANY supermarket. They did their homework, found what sea they came from, and released them back into the wild. After that anonymous report was shared, local activists in Denmark and beyond got to work. By having raised the live lobster trade by MANY, those anonymous …
May 18
Mel Broughton Released from Prison on Bail (UK)
We have excellent news to share with you today. Mel Broughton, who has been locked up since november awaiting trial, has been granted bail today. He has been given bail conditions, but he can be out in the world whilst awaiting trial, which is still scheduled for the end of July. If you recently sent …
May 06
Support Sweden Hunt Saboteurs
Hunt Saboteurs Sweden has been expanding massively in the past year, taking part in multiple actions against hunting, and are in need of support. They depend solely on donations, and to make ends meet many of the hunt sabs have been spending a lot of their personal money just to keep the fuel costs covered! …
May 06
Support Animal Liberation Prisoner Marius Mason
Marius is an anarchist, environmentalist, and animal rights activist who has been incarcerated since 2009. Marius plead guilty to being involved in an ELF arson at a university lab researching GMOs for Monsanto. He also admitted to twelve other acts of property damage. At the time, the USA was going through the “Green Scare”, in …
Apr 06
Activists in Daylight Rabbit Liberation are Exonerated (UK)
Almost a year ago, during a demonstration in front of a T&S Rabbit farm, folks decided to jump the fences and take as many rabbits as they could. Those rabbits would’ve been destined to a life of abuse and a death for a fur coat. The farm was almost empty at the end of the …
Feb 17
Flaco the Owl Escapes New York City Prison
Animal liberationists stand with Flaco, the Eurasian eagle owl who recently found his way to freedom from the New York City animal prison in Central Park almost two weeks ago. Flaco has gotten to fly free and feel the sun on his back and the wind in his wings for the first time since he …
Jan 26
International Animal Rights Conference 2023
We want to inform you about the International Animal Rights Conference 2023, which will be held from September 7th to 10th in Luxembourg and simultaneously also online. The conference’s goal is to present and discuss current animal rights positions, connect animal rights activists from many different countries, and develop strategies for the struggle to end …
Jan 26
Support Animal Liberation Prisoner Mel Broughton
Mel has been held on remand at Peterborough Prison since November. His conditions have improved, after a difficult start with little to no medication or vegan food available. Mel is receiving regular letters, but keeping in touch with news from the outside world is a great way to support and keep him busy. He really …
Jan 17
Punk Rock Vegan Movie – film review
By Nathan Brown Punk Rock Vegan Movie Written and directed by Moby 1 hr 31 mins Streaming from 20th January 2023 What better time is there than Veganuary for Moby to launch a film joining the dots between the world of punk rock and the world of animal liberation? He has decided the time has come …
Jan 11
In Memory of Gilly, Animal Liberator
Solidarity Apothecary has sent us a text remembering Gilly which we believe you all should read. Remember that the anonymous faces of the Animal Liberation Front (and many other movements) do have a name attached to them, which normally is only shared once they’ve passed away. And remember that in a hyper masculine society, we tend …