For Immediate Release April 8, 2005 Fox Farm Raided by Animal Liberation Front All Animals Released, Breeding Records Destroyed Bluffs, IL- The underground Animal Liberation Front (ALF) has taken credit for releasing dozens of silver fox from Kerry Littig’s fox farm on April 1, 2005. According to a communiqué sent out by the ALF, Littig’s …
Category: Press Releases
Mar 18
University of Iowa Claims $450K Loss in November ALF Raid
For Immediate Release March 18, 2005 University of Iowa Claims $450K Loss in November ALF Raid Admits Insurance Will Not Cover Loss Iowa- The University of Iowa released figures this week that estimate the damage done in November by an Animal Liberation Front (ALF) raid on its animal testing laboratories has cost the University at …
Mar 13
Latest Management Death at McDonald’s Corporation Underscores Irony in Marketing of Lethal Product
For Immediate Release March 13, 2005 Latest Management Death at McDonald’s Corporation Underscores Irony in Marketing of Lethal Product Chicago- Former McDonald’s Corporation president and chief executive Charles Bell died January 16 th of colon cancer, widely known to be associated with a meat-based diet. He had stepped down as the company’s manager in November …
Feb 14
ALF Continues South Bay Campaign Against Fast-Food Giants; Torrance McDonald’s Struck Twice in Week’s Time
For Immediate Release February 14, 2005 ALF Continues South Bay Campaign Against Fast-Food Giants; Torrance McDonald’s Struck Twice in Week’s Time Torrance- A McDonald’s restaurant at 24650 Crenshaw Boulevard in Torrance was targeted yesterday morning for the second time in one week by the Animal Liberation Front(ALF), who again smashed windows and used graffiti to …
Feb 07
McDonald’s Restaurant in Torrance, CA Latest Target of ALF
For Immediate Release February 7, 2005 McDonald’s Restaurant in Torrance, CA Latest Target of ALF Torrance- A McDonald’s restaurant in Torrance became the latest target of the Animal Liberation Front(ALF) on Sunday morning, when activists spray-painted various slogans on the building and shattered windows. Two other locations met similar fates in November of last year, …
Feb 06
University of Iowa Researchers Attribute Animal Cries to “Sneezing”; Administer Electric Shocks Animals “Can Barely Feel”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, February 6, 2005 University of Iowa Researchers Attribute Animal Cries to “Sneezing”; Administer Electric Shocks Animals “Can Barely Feel” Iowa- In recent interviews that severely stretch the imagination, UI researchers are claiming the animals they destroy don’t feel pain as their skulls are drilled and electric shocks are administered, in fruitless …
Jan 28
ALF Makes New Photos Available from University of Iowa Raid in November
For Immediate Release January 28, 2005 ALF Makes New Photos Available from University of Iowa Raid in November Iowa- Graphic photographs, removed from laboratories during the recent raid on the University of Iowa, have recently been obtained by the Press Office and are available to the press upon request. Shown are non-human primates used at …
Jan 22
ALF Liberates Entire Deer Population from GNK Deer Farm in Southern Monterey County, California
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, January 22, 2005 ALF Liberates Entire Deer Population from GNK Deer Farm in Southern Monterey County, California San Miguel, CA- In the early morning hours of January 18, members of the Animal Liberation Front liberated the entire imprisoned deer population of GNK Deer Farm in Monterey County, California. These deer were …
Jan 07
Animal Liberationists Target Seaboard Securities for Ties to Animal Testing Company Huntigdon Life Sciences
For Immediate Release January 7, 2005 Animal Liberationists Target Seaboard Securities for Ties to Animal Testing Company Huntigdon Life Sciences Tequesta, FL- Animal liberation activists broke into the offices of Seaboard Securities at 17713 SE Federal Highway and destroyed equipment in retaliation for Seaboards support of animal testing firm Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS). Seaboard was …
Dec 27
ALF Strikes LA Animal Services Bureaucrat Responsible for Needlessly Killing Companion Animals
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, December 27, 2004 ALF Strikes LA Animal Services Bureaucrat Responsible for Needlessly Killing Companion Animals Los Angeles- The day before Christmas, the underground Animal Liberation Front (ALF) struck the home of one of the most incompetent senior LA Animal Services (LAAS) employees, who has contributed to the senseless killing of tens …
Dec 08
Animal Testing Firm to be Targeted on Long Island; Animal Liberation Front Issues Threat to Party goers
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, December 8, 2004 Animal Testing Firm to be Targeted on Long Island; Animal Liberation Front Issues Threat to Party goers LONG ISLAND, NY – In an anonymous communiqué, the underground Animal Liberation Front (ALF) issued a threat aimed at partygoers to a holiday party for Forest Laboratories Friday night, December 10. …
Dec 02
Press Office announced for underground Animal Liberation Movement; New information about L.A., National raids to be disclosed
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, December 2, 2004 Press Office announced for underground Animal Liberation Movement; New information about L.A., National raids to be disclosed LOS ANGELES -Militant and secretive international groups suspected of sabotaging Los Angeles-area businesses to save the lives of animals will soon have an aboveground arm to represent them. The opening of …