Category: Press Releases

Animal Liberationists Burn Fur Retailer in Idaho Rocky Mountain Firework & Fur Company (How Convenient) Goes Up in Flames

For Immediate Release Caldwell, ID: In a communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office today, Animal Liberationists have taken credit for burning a fur store in Caldwell, Idaho early this morning. According to news reports, firefighters had contained the blaze at the Rocky Mountain Firework & Fur Company, 14950 Highway 20/26, Caldwell, …

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Animal Liberationists Burn Fur Retailer in Idaho Rocky Mountain Firework & Fur Company (How Convenient) Goes Up in Flames

For Immediate Release September 26, 2011 Caldwell, ID: In a communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office today, Animal Liberationists have taken credit for burning a fur store in Caldwell, Idaho early this morning. According to news reports, firefighters had contained the blaze at the Rocky Mountain Firework & Fur Company, 14950 …

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Animal Liberation Front Removes Fencing at Captive Elk Facility in Clackamas, Oregon

For Immediate Release Clackamas, OR: In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office this week, Animal Liberation Front (ALF) activists claim to have destroyed fencing at the Damascus Elk Farm in Clackamas, Oregon, potentially allowing captive elk to run free. Elk remaining on the farm are destined for slaughter at …

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Anonymous Hackers Group Declares Solidarity With Animal Liberation Struggle

For Immediate Release Fight Against Oppression Won’t be Affected by Recent Arrest of 14 Alleged Members Los Angeles: In a computer-generated spoken communique on YouTube last week, the hackers group Anonymous voiced its solidarity with the struggle for animal liberation. Citing the commonality of oppression against humans and non-human animals, the group highlighted the injustice …

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UCLA Vivisector Arthur L. Rosenbaum Dies at 69 And About Damn Time!

For Immediate Release Los Angeles: Notorious UCLA primate vivisector Arthur Rosenbaum has finally died, at age 69. Although he claimed to only kill the occasional non-human primate, Rosenbaum was well known for torturing his subjects in order to publish still more useless papers on strabisimus, an eye movement disorder that has been effectively treated for …

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Second Pro-Animal Research Billboard Modified Once Pro-Animal Research Billboard Now Reflects Portland’s True Ethics

For Immediate Release Portland, OR – The Portland Animal Defense League received an anonymous communiqué regarding a permanent change to the pro-animal research billboards sponsored by the Foundation for Biomedical Research (FBR) that have recently spawned numerous Portland media stories. The billboards that once offered a choice for life between a little girl and a …

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Four Alligators Liberated in Florida Action Dedicated to Animal Liberation Prisoner Walter Bond

For Immediate Release received anonymously: Somewhere in Florida on May 1, a 14-foot alligator, was liberated from his pit of despair where he was a caged tourist attraction. He was imprisoned in a shallow pool of stagnant green water, no pump, no food, unable to return to his home only yards away. Three baby alligators …

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Animal Liberationists Renew Threats Against Primate Vivisectors

For Immediate Release Los Angeles: In a combined anonymous communique obtained by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office this week, liberation activists have issued renewed threats to vivisectors who torture and kill non-human primates at UCLA. The recent anonymous communique reads in full: On Monday April 25th observing laboratory animal liberation week we joined …

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The Effectiveness Of Direct Action in Reducing Public Support for Animal Research

Recent polls show public becoming further disinclined to support the use of animals in medical research. A recent poll cited by the Foundation for Biomedical Research (FBR) shows that public attitudes towards the use of animals in medical research are changing, and not the way they had hoped.  From the mid 1990s through 2008 the …

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72 Hens Liberated by Animal Liberation Front Delivered to Homes from Conditions of Abuse at Shepherd’s Egg Farm in Utah

For Immediate Release Spanish Fork, UT: In an anonymous communique received by the Press Office yesterday, the Animal Liberation Front claims to have liberated 72 hens from conditions of abuse at Shepherd’s Egg Farm near Spanish Fork, Utah. The anonymous communique reads: ” In the late hours of April 1st and the early morning of …

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‘Negotiation Is Over’ Interviews the Lone Wolf: Go Vegan and Break Something!

The North American Animal Liberation Press Office is proud to announce the addition of ‘Negotiation is Over’ founder Camille Marino to our Advisors and Speakers Panel. In turn, Ms. Marino was recently honored when current Press Officer Walter Bond joined the NIO collective as the Senior Editor of Militant Direct Action. Her recent interview with …

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Canadian ALF Serves Notice on Animal Abusers Sabotage Killers of Sled Dogs, Seals, Others

For Immediate Release received anonymously: On the night of March 29th in Whistler BC, the ALF decided to do what the Canadian government should have done in the first place, punish Outdoor Adventures for ordering the deaths of 100 used up sled dogs.  We covered their entire head office with red paint and damaged their …

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Chronicle of Higher Education Article Reveals Successes of Anti-Vivisection Activists UCLA Security Costs $1.4 Million Annually, Fewer Primates Tortured and Killed

In a recent article in the journal Chronicle of Higher Education , an incredibly biased reporter, bought and paid for by academia, manages nevertheless to provide a useful service for those in the struggle against animal abuse and exploitation. Robin Wilson, after interviewing two press officers of the North American Animal LIberation Press Office, goes …

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Animal Liberationist Walter Bond Gets Minimum 5-Year Sentence for Colorado Arson

For Immediate Release Denver: Animal liberationists Walter Bond received the minimum sentence allowed by a Colorado court, 5 years prison and 3 years probation, after pleading guilty to burning the Sheepskin Factory in Glendale.  Hon. Christine Arguello, while stern with him, noted that she read all 50 letters to her from Mr. Bond’s supporters and …

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California man killed by armed bird at cockfight

The Associated Press DELANO, California – A man who was at an illegal cockfight in central California died after being stabbed in the leg by a bird that had a knife attached to its own limb, officials confirmed Monday. Jose Luis Ochoa, 35, of Lamont, California, was declared dead at a hospital about two hours …

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