For Immediate Release November 3, 2017 Wild Abundance Farm Refuses Pleas from Humane Activists to Spare Lives of Condemned Animals Asheville, NC: The public execution of two innocent sheep is scheduled to take place tomorrow at 72 Sanford Way, Weaverville, NC 28787. Wild Abundance Farm is purportedly charging $250 – $450 to anyone who wants …
Category: Press Releases
Oct 06
Public “Humane” Execution of Sheep To Continue Weekly Until “Trump’s Agenda is Passed”
For Immediate Release October 6, 2017 Public “Humane” Execution of Sheep To Continue Weekly Until “Trump’s Agenda is Passed” Wild Abundance Farm in Western North Carolina Responds with Renewed Threats to Compassionate Activists Asheville, NC: In retribution for the concerns expressed by animal advocates, members of Wild Abundance Farm have threatened to execute another sheep …
Oct 04
Public “Humane” Execution of Sheep To Take Place In Western North Carolina on November 4th, 2017
For Immediate Release October 5, 2017 Public “Humane” Execution of Sheep To Take Place In Western North Carolina on November 4th, 2017 [oxymoron: a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as humane slaughter)] Asheville, NC: In a secret location (see address at bottom) nestled in the woods near Asheville, North Carolina, an innocent sheep …
Sep 24
Seventh Los Angeles Anarchist Bookfair at Leimert Park Village, October 28-29
Friends and comrades, Please save the date for October 28-29 for the 7th Los Angeles Anarchist Book Fair! Join us for a day of workshops, books, and music! Saturday and Sunday, October 28th and 29th, 2017 in Leimert Park Plaza Leimert Park Village is located on W. 43rd Pl between Degnan Blvd & Leimert Blvd, …
Aug 17
Inspiring Letter from a Press Office Supporter
This letter was sent to the Press Office by a supporter and it was so heartwarming we wanted to share it… from the letter: “You inspired me and my best friend to help animals that have been tested on because we don’t believe that these animals should be tortured for no good reason at all …
Aug 08
[Update] from Walter Bond being Released from SHU…!
We received a communiqué directly from Walter Bond about his release from SHU On Father’s Day there was an altercation amongst the Puerto Ricans here at FCI Greenville. Me and 5 others were detained and held in the Special Housing Unit (SHU, or the hole) under investigation for assault. I was under investigation for about …
Jul 05
Okja: A Movie Review
To start off with I have to say that I loved this movie. It made me laugh, it made me cry but at the end of the day some very serious issues were brought to light in a very creative way. This made me very excited to see the ALF portrayed in a positive light. …
Jun 28
UCLA Vivisector Gets BMW is Firebombed
For Immediate Release June 28, 2007 UCLA Vivisector Gets Heat for Animal Abuse His BMW is Firebombed to Protest Useless and Cruel Experiments on Non-human Primates Los Angeles- In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, activists claimed to have incinerated the luxury automobile of UCLA primate vivisector Arthur Rosenbaum. …
Jun 16
Snitch Andrew Darst Still Trying to Infiltrate Activists
On May 5, 2017, someone presenting themselves as federal informant Andrew Clark Darst tried (again) to establish communication with organizers he informed against in the lead-up to the 2008 RNC. His email is copied at the end of this message, in its entirety. We are bewildered, dismayed and angered by the bizarre entitlement of the …
Jun 16
Update on Animal Liberation Prisoner Nicole Kissane
Nicole Kissane is an anarchist and animal rights activist doing 21 months for her part in actions to free fur animals from cages. She is currently imprisoned at FCI Dublin, in the Bay Area and is a solid correspondent. She also has a brand new Amazon wishlist, so please, show her some love and send a …
May 19
In response to Blue Ridge Anarchist Black Cross
In response to a recent declarative statement at a Blue Ridge Anarchist Black Cross meeting, whilst planning to serve animal flesh at an upcoming event: “Eating meat is not oppressive”. BRABC will be remembered by us as an ideologically inconsistent organization unwilling to address their prejudices, support and praxis of oppression and exploitation of “others” …
May 19
Join NAALPO at Asheville VeganFest June 11!
The Press Office will be tabling at the Asheville VeganFest, June 10th – 11th, 2017 in, Asheville, North Carolina “Asheville VeganFest is hosted by the largest no-kill animal rescue organization in North Carolina, Brother Wolf Animal Rescue. As we continue to expand our circle of compassion, we’re spreading the love with our community and introducing …
May 13
Press Officer Will Hazlitt gives a presentation live via satellite.
Press Officer Will Hazlitt will be giving a presentation at this event live via satellite. He’ll be discussing digital communications privacy and cyber security. Specifically, how activists can mitigate mass government and law enforcement surveillance… “This workshop will cover on how to organize over the Internet as well as platforms to make your organizing more …