Category: Communiqués

ALF Liberated 4 Rabbits, Dedicated to Mathias (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: The UK keeps a dirty little secret. Although fur farming was banned almost two decades ago, trading fur considered as a ‘byproduct’ is still alive and well throughout the country. On the 24th of August we decided to expose one of the main companies still producing rabbit fur within the UK. …

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Hens Liberated by ALF (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: During the early hours of the 22nd of August we crept through the night into a small farm which had many different animals held prisoner. We sprayed MURDERERS, ALF and BIRDS WANT TO BE FREE on the front and inside of the sheds so they would have a nice surprise in …

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ALF Destroys Hunting Tower (Germany)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: 1 person, no tools – but you still can smash a hunting tower because every single 1 counts! So if you are out there in the woods stumbling across something only built to kill, smash it! Don’t walk by, make a difference & destroy the shit! Holiday greetings from the ALF

ALF Liberates Rabbits, Solidarity with Eric King (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: This time around it isn’t a factory farm, but a fucking private house that has decided to keep a rabbit locked up in a hatch barely double their size. As we approach the front garden we can see them moving franticly. With nothing to do, they keep ticking their head over …

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Chickens Liberated by ALF (Basque Country)

According to an anonymous report on, on August 17 the Animal Liberation Front released chickens from an enclosure, and damaged materials used to imprison the animals, in the self-managed, squatted Errekaleor neighbourhood in Vitoria-Gasteiz. In a claim of responsibility, the activists wrote about the community, “We want to emphasize that we do not see you …

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Two Goats Rescued from Dairy Farm (San Jose, Costa Rica)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: 15th September, San Jose, Costa Rica. After visiting this farm a couple of times during the day to check for activity we visited the place one night and rescued two baby female goats. After 15 minutes of walking through the night, we reached the car with the other member waiting ready …

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13 Rabbits Liberated in Solidarity with Imprisoned Activist Matthias (Switzerland)

Received anonymously (see above, or click here to view video from the action): On the night of the 17th of August, 13 rabbits were helped to get free from the farm they were held prisoners in. They were going to be murdered soon so that some humans could consume their flesh. They were sequestered into small overcrowded …

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ALF Targets McDonalds in Alton, New Hampshire (USA)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Continuing the call to solidarity with our comrades facing trial for disrupting McDonald’s. Through September 12th, cause as much damage to as many McMurder’s as possible. This is the frontlines of animal dismemberment and commodification, and the individuals purchasing from and keeping the machine running must be shown that resistance exists …

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ALF Targets Hunters in Solidarity with Jailed Activist Matthias (UK)

Received anonymously: August 14th South East UK. For Matthias. Solidarity Action. Pheasant Pen Trashed. Shooting tower removed. Electric Fencing unit trashed. Feeders removed. We had fun. Matthias is in Jail, not fun! Prisons are for burning! Show your solidarity and support. ALF

Four Rabbits Liberated (Spain)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: On the night of the 3rd of August four rabbits were set free from cages and transported to a safe home. This act was made as a symbolic action part of ‘Tu Abrigo Su Vida’ (your coat, their life), the anarcho-vegan collective that will put an end to the fur industry …

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Badger Killer Targeted by ALF (Somerset, UK)

Received anonymously from Stop The Cull: Last year Paul Candy & Dan Britten killed nearly 3,000 badgers in the Somerset countryside. We noticed that Candy recieved a lot of attention on facebook and his business was targetted regularly. Paul Candy earlier this year decided to give up killing badgers. That just leaves Dan Britten, we went …

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4000 Partridges Released from Game Farm (UK)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: The night of the 6th of August we headed to Brightling Park and paid a visit to Jon Gaunt’s game farm. Mr Gaunt rears both pheasant and partridge as the gamekeeper of the park. The pheasants were already in the release pens, but two rows of rearing pens full of partridge …

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Eleven Boar Liberated from Hunting Facility (Switzerland)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: On the night of the 7th of August we liberated 11 wild individuals out of their imprisonment. These beings were abused for training for an absurd tradition. Hunting does not protect anyone – it kills only. The argument of regulation of numbers is just one more excuse from humans to justify …

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Open Rescue of 4 Ducks (Czech Republic)

Report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): Open rescue XLVIII (July 2019) On our way to new home for rescued animals we are driving through the night forest. Three ducks are chatting in the trunk and one duck is heavily breathing and resting on my colleague’s lap. She puts her beak in to …

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Shooting Tower Destroyed in Arson (Morschenich, Germany)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: On the night of 6-7 August we set fire to a shooting tower near the village of Morschenich. Thanks to a simple fuse made from incense and matches, we were already tucked up in our beds by the time the fire took hold, but the flames warmed our hearts as we …

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