Category: Communiqués

Snowflake Furs Painted

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: February 18, 2010 Institution Targeted: Snowflake Furs/ Fairmont Hotel Vancouver Received anonymously: IN THE EARLY MORNING OF FEB 17 THE FAIRMONT HOTEL VANCOUVER HAD PAINT THROWN ON THE WINDOWS OF SNOWFLAKE FURS. THE FAIRMONT HAS ALLOWED THREE FUR STORES TO STAY OPEN IN THEIR LOBBIES FOR A DECADE: …

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Snowflake Furs/ Fairmont Hotel Vancouver

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: February 18, 2010 Institution Targeted: Snowflake Furs/ Fairmont Hotel Vancouver Received anonymously: IN THE EARLY MORNING OF FEB 17 THE FAIRMONT HOTEL VANCOUVER HAD PAINT THROWN ON THE WINDOWS OF SNOWFLAKE FURS. THE FAIRMONT HAS ALLOWED THREE FUR STORES TO STAY OPEN IN THEIR LOBBIES FOR A DECADE: …

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Multiple Targets Locks Glued

Communiqué from Individuals at war with the system and its lackeys Date: February 15, 2010 Institution Targeted: Multiple Targets Received anonymously: Feb. 6. Concluding one of our related reading circles, we came to the conclusion that words are not enough and that they must be accompanied by deeds, actions to combat all that fills us …

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Communiqué from Individuals at war with the system and its lackeys – Multiple Targets

Communiqué from Individuals at war with the system and its lackeys Date: February 15, 2010 Institution Targeted: Multiple Targets Received anonymously: Feb. 6. Concluding one of our related reading circles, we came to the conclusion that words are not enough and that they must be accompanied by deeds, actions to combat all that fills us …

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Bullfight Ring and Museum Painted

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: February 10, 2010 Institution Targeted: Bullfight Ring and Museum Received anonymously: “Bullfighting = Murder,” “Cowards” and other messages painted on a bullfighting ring and at a bullfighting museum in Mexico City.   Spanish: PINTA EN LA PLAZA DE TOROS MEXICO ASI COMO EN EL MUSEO TAURINO MEXICANO Y UN LOCAL …

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Communiqué from Unnamed Activists – Institution Targeted: Bullfight Ring and Museum

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: February 10, 2010 Institution Targeted: Bullfight Ring and Museum Received anonymously: “Bullfighting = Murder,” “Cowards” and other messages painted on a bullfighting ring and at a bullfighting museum in Mexico City. Spanish: PINTA EN LA PLAZA DE TOROS MEXICO ASI COMO EN EL MUSEO TAURINO MEXICANO Y UN LOCAL TAURINO …

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BBVA Bank ATM Bombed

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: February 7, 2010 Institution Targeted: BBVA Bank Received anonymously: January 24. 11:00 pm. During the night, which is an accomplice in our actions, we went out to strike once again at the enemy: the insidious destructive techno-industrial system secretly aligned with strategists of the state and of capital. Our insurgent …

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Communiqué from Unnamed Activists – Institution Targeted: BBVA Bank

Communiqué from Unnamed Activists Date: February 7, 2010 Institution Targeted: BBVA Bank Received anonymously: January 24. 11:00 pm. During the night, which is an accomplice in our actions, we went out to strike once again at the enemy: the insidious destructive techno-industrial system secretly aligned with strategists of the state and of capital. Our insurgent …

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McDonald’s Restaurant Windows Destroyed

Communiqué from Chemists for Animals Date: February5, 2010 Institution Targeted: McDonald’s Restaurants Received anonymously: Tried out our new extremely corrosive ammonium bifloride/sulfuric acid bomb on a McDonalds in Utah. Ammonium Bifloride is corrosive when applied to glass. It is easy to come by via internet or craft store. Sulfuric acid is water soluble and corrosive …

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Communiqué from Chemists for Animals – McDonald’s Restaurants

Communiqué from Chemists for Animals Date: February5, 2010 Institution Targeted: McDonald’s Restaurants Received anonymously: Tried out our new extremely corrosive ammonium bifloride/sulfuric acid bomb on a McDonalds in Utah. Ammonium Bifloride is corrosive when applied to glass. It is easy to come by via internet or craft store. Sulfuric acid is water soluble and corrosive …

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Carriage for Hire has Locks Glued

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: February 2, 2010 Institution Targeted: Carriage for Hire Received anonymously: While out walking around town one night we noticed a farm-like smell appear from what seemed like no-where. This struck us as odd, being that we were in the heart of Salt Lake City. We did some exploring …

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Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front – Carriage for Hire

  Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front Date: February 2, 2010 Institution Targeted: Carriage for Hire Received anonymously: While out walking around town one night we noticed a farm-like smell appear from what seemed like no-where. This struck us as odd, being that we were in the heart of Salt Lake City. We did some …

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Pet Store Windows Smashed

Communiqué from Cell against animal exploitation in Guadalajara México Date: January 31, 2010 Institution Targeted: Unnamed Pet Shop Received anonymously: Around the middle of January, our cell took to the streets to destroy the property of people who profit from animal exploitation. We arrived filled with rage at a pet store and we gave them …

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Communiqué from Cell against animal exploitation in Guadalajara México

Communiqué from Cell against animal exploitation in Guadalajara México Date: January 31, 2010 Institution Targeted: Unnamed Pet Shop Received anonymously: Around the middle of January, our cell took to the streets to destroy the property of people who profit from animal exploitation. We arrived filled with rage at a pet store and we gave them …

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Coca-Cola Targeted by Explosive Devices in Mexico

Communiqué from the Frente de Liberación Animal Date: January 22, 2010 Institution Targeted: Coca Cola Received anonymously: On the night of January 17 we decided to go out to once again prove that this war has not ended, that our actions have not stopped and that we continue to feel the rage that we have …

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