Dove Liberation

Communiqué from the Animal Liberation Front/F.L.A. MEXICO/ C.V.N.
Date: May 9, 2010
Institution Targeted: Unnamed Dove Prison

Received anonymously:


Every life saved is important, a victory, one more message against anthropocentrism, an anti-speciesist action.
The images included with this communique are from the liberation of a dove who was confined in a small cage with no opportunity to spread his wings, much less fly freely as these animals are accustomed. On May 8, we freed him.

Birds are often used as a decorative item for the home and in many cases their wings are clipped so they can not fly, to prevent their escape, condemning them to pass their entire lives in a tiny cage, sweetening the view for the consumerist vanity of humans.

Animal liberation is not sentimentalism or pity. The animals do not need your tears but your conviction and solidarity. Animal liberation is targeted actions supporting the freedom of each and every animal who has been locked up all his or her life waiting to be killed to satisfy human vanity.

It’s easy: Rescue, Open the cage, free and destroy anything that has kept an animal in captivity.

For animal liberation: THERE IS NO JUSTICE … ONLY US!


Toda vida salvada es importante, una victoria, un mensaje mas contra el antropocentrismo, una accion anti-especicista.
Las imagenes adjudicadas a este comunicado son de la liberacion de una paloma que se encontraba recluida en una pequeña jaula sin oportunidad de abrir sus alas y menos de volar libremente como estos animales estan acostumbrados. Y que el pasado 8 de Mayo liberamos.

Las aves son muchas veces utilizadas como un producto decorativo para el hogar y en muchos casos hasta se les llega a cortar las sus alas para que no puedan volar y asi evitar que escapen, condenandolas toda sus vida a pasarla en una diminuta jaula endulsando la vista de la vanidad consumista del humano.

La liberacion animal no son pretextos ni muchomenos son sentimentalismos ni lastimas, los animales no necesitan de tus lagrimas sino de tu conviccion y solsidaridad. La liberacion animal son acciones objetivas en pro de la libertad de todos y cada animal que se encuentre encerrado toda su vida o en espera de ser asesinado para satisfacer la vanidad humana.

Es facil: Rescata, Abre la jaula, libera Y destruye aquello que alguna vez mantubo en cautiverio a un animal.

Por la liberacion animal: NO HAY JUSTICIA. SOLO NOSOTR@S!