anonymous report (translation by Earth First! Journal): DEFEND THE EARTH! Let us defend the Earth from those wish to privatize it, let’s defend the Earth from those who think it belongs to them, let’s defend the Earth from those who wish to destroy it! We do not want to see how something which cannot belong …
Category: Communiqués
Oct 31
17 Pheasant Feeders Destroyed in UK
Received anonymously: October 17th 17 pheasant feeders destroyed in the South West of the UK. 6 new feeders placed in safe land and trails of aniseed and grain made to attract the pheasants to their new homes. After two weeks of continuous work 100% of the pheasants from that area are now living in safe …
Oct 27
ALF Liberates 20 Deer from Hermanos Zandio Farm, Guipuzcoa (Spain)
Received anonymously (translation): Sabotage of a deer farm in Guipúzcoa (Spanish State) In the middle of this month we carried out a sabotage by creating an opening in the fences that had imprisoned a group of 20 deer. These comrades were captives in a farm in Guipúzcoa and were destined for the slaughterhouse or the …
Oct 21
13 Rabbits Liberated from Padova (Italy) Farm
translation of anonymous report, from (click here for video from the action): “October 16, 2016. Activists liberated 13 rabbits from a farm in Padova, Italy. They are now safe and live happily, without anyone hurting them, in their new homes. Italian: “16 de octubre de 2016, Activistas han liberado 13 conejos de un criadero …
Oct 17
6 Chickens Liberated, Czech Republic
report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): “It’s raining, we are cold and tired. We can’t contact one of the patrols. There is only a noise heard from the radio transmitter. We have lost nearly half an hour by solving this situation. Once everything’s all right and all patrols are contacted, …
Oct 16
Mobile Slaughter Unit Sabotage in Portland, Oregon
Received anonymously: Earlier this week, a corrosive chemical was poured into the fuel tank of a mobile slaughter unit in SE Portland (14649 SE Market Ct). This action was undertaken to directly disrupt the operations of this company from carrying out the contract killing of cows and pigs. Animal agriculture is an inherently violent system …
Oct 14
ALF Sabotages Hunters’ Vehicles in Genoa (Italy)
Translation of anonymous report, from October 9, 2016. In the early hours of the morning, the Animal Liberation Front sabotaged 7 cars of hunters in Genoa, Italy. The tires were punctured and the bodywork attacked with acid. This is the third action against hunting in a month. Italian: “9 de octubre de 2016 ,en …
Oct 11
Hunting Blind Destroyed in France
Received anonymously (translation): The weekend of October 8, a hunting blind was destroyed under the sound of fatal shootings. Vehicles belonging to the hunters were shot with paint balls. Join theresistance. animal liberation, earth liberation. V.A French: “Le week end du 8 octobre, des affûts de chasseurs ont été détruits sous le bruit des tirs …
Oct 10
Equestrian Club Sabotage in Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Received anonymously (translation): In few places is domination as visible as it is in the use of horses for riding… they take an animal born to be free and subject him or her to human control to be humiliated, handled and stripped of their independence; the horse loses his whole life, his interests, now a …
Oct 09
Numerous ALF and ELF Actions in Santiago and Arauco Province (Chile)
In a joint statement, ALF and ELF cells claimed responsibility for a number of actions in September in Santiago and Arauco Province, including: locks glued at butcher shops, a slaughterhouse splashed with paint and the words ‘Animal Liberation’ left behind, and anti-vivisection slogans painted at pharmacies. Claim of responsibility (Spanish): “Por medio de este comunicado …