Received anonymously: Activists in Belarus have reported that “Go vegan” and other slogans were painted on a butcher shop in Minsk. Click here for video.
Category: Communiqués
Mar 03
Hundreds of Mink Liberated in Italy (Delayed Report)
Received anonymously: During the night of November 21, 2016, hundreds of mink were freed from cages at a fur farm in San Marco (Ravenna). The activists wrote, “The mink know that the executioner is set to arrive with the gas, but they also know that, with the noise of cages breaking, one jump leads out …
Feb 28
ALF Sweden Liberates 60 Chickens
Received anonymously; click here for video from the action: *60 chickens liberated by Djurens Befrielsefront / ALF SWEDEN from a chicken farm in West Sweden. Now they will get love and live in freedom for the rest of their life. * *Chickens are arguably the most abused animals on the planet. Billions of chickens are …
Feb 25
ALF Destroys 19 Hunting Towers in Compiegne (France)
Received anonymously, from la Terre d’abord! (translation): During the night of 17 to 18 February 2017, 19 hunting towers were neutralized in the forest of Compiègne, Oise (10 in lot 11, 9 in lot 6). The shooting hunters, dog hunters and the NFB are jointly responsible for the destruction of nature and the mass murder …
Feb 24
FLA(ALF) Posts Graffiti on Walls in Santiago (Chile)
Received anonymously, from contra info (translation): February 21, on the outskirts of Santiago: A cell of the FLA graffitied the walls of the streets with messages of solidarity and antispeciesism, locked up a meat market with chains and locks and deposited a noise bomb in front of a place that sells animals as food (1). …
Feb 08
Chicken Rescue in US
Feb 07
Posters Added to Zapa Stores Selling Fur in France
Receiveed anonymously: On the night of february 1st, two clothing stores of the brand zapa were targeted. The brand sells clothes containing fur and undergoes an anti fur campaign by a legalist association named «france sans fourrure». The campaign targets several brands. Posters were stuck to the shop windows with the brand’s logo, a photo …