Category: International Communiqués

ALF Liberates Captive Crow, Destroys Traps and Fences (Italy)

Received anonymously: from (translation); click here for video from the action: A crow was released from a cage after being captured by hunters in Italy. The traps used to capture the bird were destroyed and the fences cut. Animal Liberation Front

Hunting Towers Destroyed in France

According to an anonymous report on, hunting towers in France were destroyed by anti-hunting activists.

ALF Sabotages Hunters in UK

Received anonymously: summary of actions. In the last month, 5 hunting towers, 27 larsen traps, 17 mink traps, 3 ladder traps, 6 squirrel traps and 10 snare traps have been found and destroyed in the South East. We will keep fighting the oppressor, we will keep supporting the oppressed. For total liberation. Until all are …

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Hunting Tower Toppled in Switzerland

According to an anonymous report on, a hunting tower was destroyed in the canton of Fribourg at the end of April.

Shooting Range in Italy Sabotaged

Received anonymously: On the night of April 21-22 in the town of Mairano, a shooting range managed by hunters was vandalized. “Murdering hunters” and other messages were painted on the building. According to media reports, damage is estimated at 10,000 Euros.

Greece Slaughterhouse Arson, Retaliation for Kosher Slaughter

Received anonymously: three nights ago we broke into the famous slaughterhouse el toro at kavala, greece, and set it on fire. it looks like we didn’t manage to make the plant room explode and make the whole fucking thing collapse to the ground as we really wanted to, so we will return and finish our …

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100 Caged Hens Liberated from Hell in Norfolk (UK)

Received anonymously: UK. 100 caged hens liberated from a hell hole unit in Norfolk, all now safe and happy in new homes, until all are free

Bullfighting Statues Defaced in Spain

During the night of May 10-11, several bullfighting statues in front of the Las Ventas bullring in Madrid were splashed with paint. The attack came on the eve of the San Isidro festival, during which dozens of bulls will die.

Action Against the Prison of Animals in Eskisehir, Turkey.

Acción contra la prisión de animales en Eskisehir,Turquía. “Libertad para lxs animales”, “Rompe las jaulas” y otros mensajes fueron pintados en las paredes del zoológico que abrió recientemente en eskişehir, Turquía. La entrada fue saboteada con un ataque de pintura.  

20 Ducks Liberated by UK ALF

Received anonymously: UK. 20 ducks removed from a life of misery in an intensive farm unit in Norfolk, now safe to live out their lives free from exploitation. ALF

Open Rescue of Hens in Czech Republic

report from (click here for more photos from the rescue): During Easter we went for a couple of plucked hens. One anonymous girlfriend layed down in the grass nearby gatehouse of the poultry house and patrolled the guard. I went with Lukas to the grounds. There was several dead hens in front of one …

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16 Guinea Pigs Liberated by ALF (UK)

Received anonymously: UK. 16 guinea pigs liberated from a small breeder in Essex, the cages and records were destroyed to stop people profiting from these creatures misery for their own profits. Animal abusers the ALF is watching you

ALF Vandalizes Hunters’ Vehicles in UK

Received anonymously: UK. whilst out checking game bird units in the west of England we found 2 shooters cars parked up whilst they were out murdering other living creatures, on their return they would have found 8 slashed tyres and 2 smashed in windscreens, we are everywhere scum waiting for our chance.ALF

Betting Shop Sabotage by Chilean ALF

Anonymous report, from (translation by Earth First! Journal): Santiago, Chile. During the dawn of May 5, we arrived at the grimy Teletrak agency to seal all their locks and main entrance with liquid steel glue. We are disgusted to see the consumption and alienation in these dens, where despicable beings see horses as tools …

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ALF Rescues 4 Rabbits (UK)

Received anonymously: 4 rabbits rescued from terrible conditions from a shed at the bottom of the garden. After much care and vet treatment all these beautiful creatures are now happy in their new homes. To reinforce the message animal abuse will not be tolerated we returned and covered their car in paint stripper and left …

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