Category: International Communiqués

Five Chickens Released from Farm (Spain)

According to an anonymous report on, in January five chickens were released from an industrial farm in Catalonia by the Animal Liberation Front. Click here for video from the action.

60 Chickens Liberated (Spain)

reported by activists in Spain; click here for video from the rescue: 60 “broiler” chickens were rescued from a farm near Barcelona. All are going to good homes.

14 Rabbits Liberated (Zug, Switzerland)

According to an anonymous report on, 14 rabbits were freed from a farm in Zug during the night of January 29. Click here for video from the action. German: In der nacht auf Montag den 29.1.2018 haben wir in Zug 14 hasige Individuen aus ihrer Gefangenschaft befreit. Auf engstem Raum eingepfercht und völlig voneinander Isoliert fristeten diese …

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More Than a Dozen Shops Covered with Paint Messages (Spain)

Received anonymously: More than a dozen shops– butcher shops, delicatessens, ice cream shops, fur stores and hunting stores– in Lugo were covered in painted messages (such as “meat is violence”) on January 21.

Benetton Shops Vandalized (Ferrara, Italy)

Received anonymously: Claim of responsibility for sabotage of two Benetton shops We are enemies of power and domination. We want the end of every form of exploitation. We aim for the absolute destruction of authority and of the capitalist system. The symbols and the consequences of capitalism and exploitation are everywhere. So we just had …

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9 Chickens Liberated (France)

Received anonymously, from CRANS (Collectif Radical Antispéciste) (video link): 9 lives destined for a scheduled end. 9 individuals denied, locked up, condemned, but now released. Let’s stop respecting an oppressive legal framework that transforms the lives of sentient beings into merchandise. The time for petitions and pleas has gone on long enough. French: 9 vies destinées à une …

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Hunting Towers Burned (Germany)

Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal (click here for video from the action): December 2017, Hambacher Forst For a couple of months, we have been clearing out all shooting towers, hunting cabins and stands around the forest. Those that were inside of the forest are long gone, but the surrounding areas are covered with metal and wood that aids the …

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16 Chickens Liberated (Buckinghamsshire, UK)

Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal: 16 broiler chickens liberated from Buckinghamshire UK

Pig Rescued from Slaughterhouse (France)

On January 23, a pig was rescued from a slaughterhouse by activists from 269 Libération Animale. The pig, who has been given the name Patrick, is recovering at a private sanctuary.  

Hunters Sabotaged (Spain)

Received anonymously, from Unoffensive Animal: Spain seems to have no shame. Yesterday I heard of an organised hunt that was being publicised openly in a town over the public megaphones. The lack of organised hunt saboteurs brought me to the realisation that the hunt needed to be stopped differently. I arrived at their meet and waited …

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Locks Glued at Butcher Shops (Italy)

According to an anonymous report on A.L.F. Fronte Liberazione Animale Italia, on the night of January 17-18 locks were glued at seven butcher shops in Milan and notes left behind (“Meat = Dead”, “Animal Liberation”).

Four Hunting Towers Destroyed (Southern Germany)

Received anonymously: In a dark Night in December 2017, we destroyed four hunting towers in the Southern Region of Germany, Baden Wurttemberg. The four towers were destroyed and we painted ‘ALF’ – ‘hunting is murder’. Our action took place in the longest night in winter – now, shorter and sunnier days will follow. May this …

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ALF Liberates 6 Chickens (UK)

Received anonymously: HIT REPORT MIDLANDS UK ALF enter chicken farm and took 6 day old chicks to freedom.

Chickens Rescued (Brazil)

According to an anonymous report on, several young chickens were rescued from a small farm in Mogi das Cruzes. The chicks had been confined in a cardboard box.

Butcher Shops Vandalized Near Paris (France)

Received anonymously (translation): On the night of January 13 to 14, I tagged facades of butchers, destroyed windows (but being alone, in the heat of the action it was hard to take a picture because I was making a lot of noise with the hammer), tagged restaurants … All this while being alone in the …

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