Received anonymously: On the night of December 1-2, Johan Dalèn, CEO of Swedish Mink, got his cars and his house sprayed with paint. His mailbox was also stolen. Johan has the highest position within the Swedish mink industry. Messages was left on his house wall: ‘Avskum’, which means ‘scumbag’ in Swedish. Some of the messages …
Category: International Communiqués
Nov 30
Hunt Sabotage (France)
Nov 29
ALF Liberates 5 Turkeys (UK)
Nov 28
40 Birds Liberated in Kent, Cages Destroyed (UK)- See Video
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal (click here for video): 40 Game birds Liberated & Cages & Nets Destroyed. On 2 Separate Occasions, Kent (UK) Saboteurs Discovered Cages that were used to hold Game Birds for Shooting. It’s safe to say that these Beings now have a second chance at life & The Cages wont be holding anyone else captive …
Nov 26
KFC Vandalized in Stockholm (Sweden)
Received anonymously: Two toilets were vandalised at a KFC in Stockholm, Sweden. Piping was stuffed with paper towel, a toilet got stuffed as well, this will cost them a lot of money as they’ll have to hire plumbers. On one of the toilets the seat and lid was ripped off. This may be a small …
Nov 25
Windows Broken at Butcher Shop (Switzerland)
translation of anonymous report from Barrikade: During the night of Wednesday, November 21, we attacked the Meinen butcher shop in Mattenhof and the Lehmann butcher shop in Länggasse, Bern. With the broken windows and the slogans left behind, we want to make our anger at the slaughter of animals visible. Every day, animals are bred, humiliated, …
Nov 24
12 Chickens Liberated (Spain)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: 12 chickens liberated from the jaws of the slaughterhouse at Valencian region, Spain. (19/11/2018) A dead truck was almost arriving to the slaughterhouse. We took advantage of some circumstances that allowed us to liberate some of the animals. Unfortunately, one died due to the horrible conditions and suffering they went through their …
Nov 16
117 Activists Destroy 118 Hunting Towers, Liberate 31 Animal in Europe
Received anonymously: France, Belgium, Switzerland. During the night between the 8th november and the 9th november, 117 activists wrecked, destroyed, burned 118 hunting towers, 10 hunter’s house, dozens of traps, 1 breeding farm, and set free 31 animals. French: Dans la nuit du jeudi 8 novembre 2018 …
Nov 15
8 Chickens Liberated (UK)
Nov 14
ALF Sabotages Hunt Station in Val Seriana (Italy)
Received anonymously: July 2018 Val Seriana (Italy). During daytime we devastated a hunters’ shooting station, destroying a dozen cages. Actions like these are simple and suitable for all. A walk in the woods can become an opportunity of action for the animals, even not pre-planned, because often you can bump into facilities owned by hunters. …
Nov 09
Rabbits Liberated from Farm in Treviso (Italy)
According to an anonymous report on, rabbits were rescued from filthy cages at a small farm in the Province of Treviso. Italian: “In un piccolo borgo arroccato in collina in provincia di Treviso, qualcuno ha pensato di farsi il proprio personale allevamento di conigli, in uno stanzone di un rudere adiacente alla propria abitazione circondata …