8th April, La Hogette, France. According to local media, the hunting association in la Hogette (Calvados) has filed a complaint with the gerndarmerie due to thirty hunting stands being sawed down and destroyed in their grounds. They claim that the hunting stands are a safety measure in order to shoot downwards to kill wild boar. …
Category: International Communiqués
Apr 12
Hunting Towers Destroyed (Germany)
April, Thuringia Germany According to local press reports, a hunting tower in Thuringia was destroyed by two people, causing around 100 EUR worth of damage. The police is investigating if the damages are related to other hunting towers and seats that were destroyed in the past months in the same area.
Apr 08
Thousands of Hen’s Eggs Destroyed, Machinery Sabotaged (Denmark)
Received anonymously: Activists went to a farm to invesitgate and document the conditions of egg laying hens. After witnessing the horrendous conditions the animals live under, they discovered a storage of eggs on the farm. The machines for packing eggs were sabotaged and the storage of thousands of eggs was completely destroyed.
Apr 01
Animal Rights Militia Threatens Force to Stop Badger Cull (Ireland)
Received anonymously: Today, the 24th March 2022, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, along with the fascist DUP’s Agriculture Minister, Edwin Poots, announced that they have green lit the proposed badger cull. This comes just days after the headline news in the United Kingdom of yet another group of researches finding that the culling …
Mar 31
Hunter Has Lodge Destroyed, Rifles Stolen, 50 Decoy Birds Liberated (Italy)
Delayed Report, November 2021 According to local media, William Baccini’s hunting lodge was visited by the ALF last year. Taking advantage of the fact that the family home was empty for the night, a group of people entered the building, destroyed all furniture, TV and windows, made holes on the roof using a pick axe, …
Mar 20
ALF Slashes Tires, Paint-strips Abusers’ Vehicles (UK)
Received anonymously: This is a delayed report. On the night of Saturday the 5th of March we snuck out and popped all the tyres on Pak’s butchers van…again. We also took a trip to the BS4 postcode and popped all the tyres and paint stripped a van belonging to a dairy company. For the animals …
Mar 16
11 Rabbits Rescued from Fur Farm (UK)
Received anonymously: Having seen that people have kickstarted a campaign to shut down the vile fur farms owned by T&S we decided to pay a quick visit to a farm we had visited in the past, near Granby. We thought this would be a quick routine check because the actual farm had shut over a …
Mar 05
Hunting Tower at Fur Farm Sabotaged (Denmark)
Received anonymously: ENGLISH: Hunting tower at huge fur farm (fur farm with room for up to 20,000 individuals) on Zealand sabotaged in February 2022. All mistreatment is mistreatment – whether it is confining and breeding individuals, or killing wild individuals. It is all in the past and must stop! DANISH: FEBRUAR 2022, SJÆLLAND Jagttårn ved …
Mar 05
53 Hunting Towers Destroyed (France)
Received anonymously: ENGLISH: A few nights before the last two hunts of the season on the Baville estate (in Essonne), a group of anarchist antispeciesists trespassed into the hunting grounds. This domain privatizes the forest: a wall surounds 40 hectares, a castle and a hunting lodge, La Thébaïde. The owners charge 450 euros per day …
Mar 05
Danish Slaughterhouse Sabotaged
Received anonymously: ENGLISH: THERE’S NO EXCUSE FOR ANIMAL ABUSE! A slaughterhouse on Zealand has been sabotaged by activists in February 2022. The activists have punctured the tyres of several wagons, spray painted messages and destroyed equipment. DANISH: THERE’S NO EXCUSE FOR ANIMAL ABUSE! Et slagteri på Sjælland er blevet saboteret af aktivister i februar 2022. …
Feb 24
Hunting Towers Burned (Germany)
According to a german hunting newspaper, since May 2021 multiple hunting hides, seats and towers have been set alight in North Rhine Wesphalia, Germany. The perpetrators have not been identified, even after a heavy police investigation. On the 15th of December 2021, a wildlife camera captured a photo of someone setting alight another hunting seat …