Category: International Communiqués

12 Rabbits Liberated from T&S Rabbits Fur Farm (East Bridgford, UK)

Received anonymously: Fuck your fences, fuck your fur farm! While Anne – a T&S fur farm worker- slept in her static caravan, we crept around nearby. We easily cut through the fence surrounding the farm and went straight for a pen, catching as many rabbits as we had homes for. The rabbits didn’t make it …

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ALF Sabotages 10 Hunting Towers, Smash Cameras in Solidarity with MBR Beagles (Sweden)

Received anonymously: In midsummer time the sun never goes down over so called Sweden. At night the ALF swarmed in the woods and sabotaged 10 hunting towers and smashed hunting cameras. We destroyed that which destroys. No rest for the wicked. Solidarity With Animal Freedom Movement. Shut Down MBR Acres. Free The MBR Beagles. Until …

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17 Chickens Liberated (Midlands, UK)

Received anonymously: At just 6 weeks old, their life would have been ended in the most violent and abhorrent way. Now they will be able to live peacefully, happy lives; free from exploitation. Get up and go smash the system. Fught back. Liberate. PS:This is a special FUCK YOU to Moy Park, you vile scumbags!

Activists Liberate 5 Beagles from MBR (UK)

Originally published on Animal Freedom Movement Activists from Animal Freedom Movement, a project supported by Animal Rebelion, have liberated 5 beagle puppies from MBR Acres! These dogs were bred in this farm, ready to be shipped off to laboratories when they reached around 16 weeks old. Once they reached the labs, they would have been subject …

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ALF Destroys 29 Hunting Towers (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Belgium 10.06.2022 The A.L.F. sabotages 29 hunting towers and saves Wildlife

Animal Rights Militia, Others Support MBR Campaign (UK)

Over the past few weeks we have received second hand reports about unreported actions against the laboratory puppy mill MBR Acres. Here are the words of anonymous people who passed on information. Unfortunately as the reports do not come from the activists there is no solid way of knowing the exact details of the actions …

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Arson Destroys Rodeo Arena (Chile)

Originally published by Contrainfo, translated by Dark Nights. In the early morning of May 26, 2022, anonymous hands set fire to the Gil Letelier Huasos and Rodeo Club in the commune of Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Santiago, in addition to leaving pamphlets and bullets as a threat. A few days later the action is attributed by the Animal …

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Activists Liberate 31 Hens (UK)

Received anonymously: As the bird flu crisis lessens in the UK, we felt safe saving and transporting birds from an industrial farm using biosecurity. As we approached the gigantic shed, the stench of faeces was overwhelming and we knew that the shed would be full of thousands of helpless birds. Sneaking in under the conveyor …

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ALF Sabotages 26 Hunting Towers (Belgium)

Received anonymously: 20.05.2022 Belgium The A.L.F. sabotages 26 hunting towers and saves Wildlife

ALF Liberates 12 Chickens (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Love Is Liberation Belgium 22.05.2022. The A.L.F. have Save 12 chickens from the intensive farm

5 Hunting Towers Sabotaged (Netherlands)

Received anonymously: Five demolished hunting towers and several toppled high seats. You build…we destroy. Until all are free.

2 Piglets Rescued from Farm (Barcelona, Spain) We rescued two piglets from terrible farm in tarragona in Barcelona. will be going to good homes soon.

Speciesism Graffiti in Paris (France)

Received anonymously: Here is some photos of graffitis done the 6 of may in Paris, Here are the graffs’ translations: “À spécisme général, animalisme radical” means “To general speciesism, radical animalism” (there should be no “e” at the end of “général”, it was misstyped..) “Spécisme = terrorism” means ” Speciesism = Terrorism” “L’élevage banalise les …

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Hunting Cabin Destroyed in Arson (France)

Originally published in Attaque: According to local newspapers, a hunting lodge was completely destroyed by arson. At about 4:30 pm, people walking up the Hérin road that connects in the fields Wallers-Arenberg to Bellaing called the fire department to report a fire. Six firemen from the Anzin fire station intervened to contain the fire, which only …

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ALF Trash Hunting Lodge (France)

Received anonymously: English: In the south of France, ALF members broke into a hunting lodge where animals are murdered, hung by their legs and butchered as if their lives were worthless. The premises were heavily damaged, furniture, beds, oven, water supply; we tagged on the walls inside and outside. We smashed the alcohol bottles… Yes, …

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