Category: International Communiqués

Fur Coat Vandalized with Chewing Gum (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Received anonymously: Fur vandalised by gum on 22 February in Copenhagen

Flesh Market Evacuated After Activists Drop Stink Bombs (Athens, Greece)

via: Greek indymedia. ENGLISH (translation): Taking responsibility for intervention-sabotage at the Varvakeio market on Ash Wednesday CONSUMING ANIMALS IS NOT ENTERTAINMENT. FUCK TRADITIONS AND MEAT-EATING. EATING ANIMALS IS NOT ENTERTAINMENT SHIT ON TRADITIONS AND MEAT-EATING Tradition, customs and traditions are an informal framework of values that are still observed in modern culture. In Greek tradition …

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ALF Destroys 50 Hunting Towers and Sabotages Hunting Shop (Finland)

Received anonymously: The last five months in Finland have been an emotional time for many hunters. During this period, a total of 50 hunting towers in southern Finland have been targeted by ALF activists. Towers have been sawed down, destroyed or toppled, and in addition to this, hunters’ equipment, such as trail cameras and other …

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ALF Liberates 21 Animals (Northern Italy)

ENGLISH (translation): When it comes to animals, institutions almost always do not exist. This is one of many cases that we have had to solve (for the second time in two years) in our own way because, although the law exists, the state decides that if it comes to animals, we can wait (months, years, …

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3 More Hunting Towers Destroyed (Southern Germany)

Received anonymously: We returned! On February 17th, we took a stand against animal hunting again and destroyed 3 more hunting towers in Southern Germany. Making their best effort to frame the cruel and unnecessary killing of innocent individuals as an important part of nature conservancy, the hunting scene practises its sick and bloodthirsty hobby unseen, …

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5 Hunting Towers Destroyed (Espoo, Southern Finland)

According to local press, sometime between the seventh and ninth of February, several people sawed down five hunting towers in Espoo, Finland. Hunter Antti Saarenmaa says that the attack took place at night, and that it must have been carried out by several people, as the hunting towers are particularly large and heavy. In addition …

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Activists Liberate 2 Geese, 7 Ducks, 3 Rabbits (Argentina)

Via: @anarcoveganismo.arg ENGLISH (translation): After investigating a farm where humans breed animals for food and to sell to the public we found an opportunity to try and free someone from that prison. The farms where they breed animals, even if the look nice on the outside, are nothing more than breeding mills and slavery houses …

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Locks Glued at MBR Affiliate Stericycle (Leeds, UK)

Received anonymously: Stericycle is a company that collects and disposes of medical waste like sharps and pharmaceuticals. However they also consider puppies to be biological waste and collect their bodies from MBR Acres, the infamous puppy mill for vivisection. After a demo at one of their UK offices in Leeds, which called for them to …

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Activists Destroy 20 Rat Traps (Stuttgart, Germany)

Received anonymously: We destroyed 20 poisoned Rat Traps in Stuttgart City Center while stupid people let there money explode in the air, at 12 o’clock. Eat the animal abusers and the rich!

Activists Dump 4 Liters of Butyric Acid on Slaughterhouse Floor (Stuttgart, Germany)

Received anonymously: Backnang at Stuttgart, less days before MurderChristmas We attacked Scandal-Slaughterhouse Kühnle in Backnang with 4 Liter of buteric acid, inside the killing and desecration of bodys room. As well as in the inside innocent beings bodyparts shop. Also left an anonymous email. We will come back and close all your murder factories, big …

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Hunting Store Repeatedly Sabotaged (Madrid, Spain)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH: HUNTING SHOP ATTACKED SEVERAL TIMES IN MADRID, SPANISH STATE Anonymous activists have visited the hunting shop Armería Nieremberg three times: -The first one they painted in huge red letters “Hunting is murder” on their front door. -The second one they threw red paint bombs made with light bulbs. -The last one they …

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Butcher Shop Attacked Repeatedly (Stuttgart, Germany)

Received anonymously: We attacked a Butcher 4 times in less days with buteric acid, smashed windows, sprayed messages and send an anonymous email. They had high costs, so we will close this murder place at some day. The email because they got much solidarity from dead body eaters around them. You are not the victim!!! …

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ALF Destroys 3 Hunting Towers (Germany)

Received anonymously: On January 30th, we destroyed three hunting towers at a forest in southern Germany. With only two people and one saw we managed to forcefully drag down the massive built towers of death leaving the ALF signature sprayed on its wooden sides. Furthermore, we did some correctional work on two information boards by …

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Animal Rights Militia Threatens Pedophile/Animal Abuser (Ireland)

Received anonymously: On the 10th December 2024, ARM Volunteers visited the residence of convicted paedophile and horse stabber, Mark McGurk, to inform him that he had 48 hours to vacate the property. McGurk filmed himself stabbing a friend’s horse to death, which he later around social media. This was a revenge act, carried out Harry …

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ALF Stickers Vivisector’s House (Sweden)

Received anonymously: On the night of 22 January a vivisector in Sweden got a sticker slabbed on his family mailbox saying stop animal testing. It’s not much but every action counts! /ALF