Author's posts
May 03
Swedish ALF Sabotages Animal Abusers’ Cars
Received anonymously: Stockholm, Sweden: The cars of animal abusers (cow murderers and rapists) were re-painted, making their dirty business a little more transparent. Red paint was also placed at the cars door handles, to remind them that they have blood on their hands – literally. In Solidarity with Richii Klinsmeister, Swedish animal rights activist, who …
May 01
Sabotage at Guelph University Swine Research Site (Canada)
Anonymous activists documented conditions inside the University of Guelph Swine Research Site (413 Arkell Road, Guelph, Ontario) in late April. A claim of responsibility, photos and video were released by KW Animal Save: These individuals were in the lowest acceptable standards. The pigs cried out for help and some were foaming at the mouth. The smell was atrocious …
May 01
Sabotage at Guelph University Swine Research Site (Canada)
Anonymous activists documented conditions inside the University of Guelph Swine Research Site (413 Arkell Road, Guelph, Ontario) in late April. A claim of responsibility, photos and video were released by KW Animal Save: These individuals were in the lowest acceptable standards. The pigs cried out for help and some were foaming at the mouth. The smell was atrocious …
Apr 23
Shooting Tower, Traps, Pens Destroyed (UK)
Received anonymously from Underground Badger Syndicate: We read the news that some folks were charged with aggravated trespass for sabbing a shoot in Pangdean Farm near Brighton. Because we hate the hunting scum, the cop scum, the judge scum, the justice system scum and basically anyone who puts profit over everything else, we decided that Pangdean …
Apr 11
On the Covid-19 Virus and Animal Liberation
As of this writing, almost 2 million humans have been infected in the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic, and well over 100,000 have died as a result. Even so, although the true numbers are unknown, only a fraction of a percent of all humans have been sickened, and less than 6% of those infected have died. …
Apr 10
71 Hens Liberated (UK)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: UK lockdown was announced just hours before we were due to set off. What to do? We had planned another rescue in Lincolnshire already and loving homes were waiting. After careful consideration we decided that with only 2 activists (who had already had contact) we could afford one more venture without …
Apr 10
71 Hens Liberated (UK)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: UK lockdown was announced just hours before we were due to set off. What to do? We had planned another rescue in Lincolnshire already and loving homes were waiting. After careful consideration we decided that with only 2 activists (who had already had contact) we could afford one more venture without …
Apr 08
32 Hens Rescued from Abysmal Conditions (UK)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: After extensive planning using satellite imagery, we had located some barns typical of egg farms in Derbyshire, UK. For this location, we had to park on a country road and cross many fields by foot. After reaching the target, we figured out the best point of entry, and 2 climbed in …
Apr 08
32 Hens Rescued from Abysmal Conditions (UK)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: After extensive planning using satellite imagery, we had located some barns typical of egg farms in Derbyshire, UK. For this location, we had to park on a country road and cross many fields by foot. After reaching the target, we figured out the best point of entry, and 2 climbed in …
Apr 06
ALF Paints Banner Near Disgusting Rabbit Farm Lisasgarden (Sweden)
reported anonymously: We sprayed ‘Mördarmalin plågar djur’ on a meat and dairy commercial banner, by a big road, close to the concentration camp Lisasgården, a filthy dump of a ‘farm’ where hundreds of rabbits are crambed into small wire cages, only to be killed for there skin and flesh, by the evil psykopath Malin Sundmark. …
Apr 06
ALF Paints Banner Near Disgusting Rabbit Farm Lisasgarden (Sweden)
reported anonymously: We sprayed ‘Mördarmalin plågar djur’ on a meat and dairy commercial banner, by a big road, close to the concentration camp Lisasgården, a filthy dump of a ‘farm’ where hundreds of rabbits are crambed into small wire cages, only to be killed for there skin and flesh, by the evil psykopath Malin Sundmark. …
Apr 05
29 Hens Liberated (Lincoln, UK)
Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: Tonight was our second visit to this location in Lincoln. With just two of us tonight, we had put careful planning into how we could take the maximum number of lives we could carry. We encountered few obstacles upon entry and were able to save 29 lives. When leaving the area, …