Author's posts
Feb 01
Executive for GlaxoSmithKline, HLS Customer, Credit Card Stolen $1000 Donation Made
Communiqué Date:February 1, 2006 Institution targeted: GlaxoSmithKline, HLS Customer Received anonymously: “GlaxoSmithKline – deal with HLS deal with us. recently we visited the home of Mike Pucci an executive at GSK in North Carolina. We found out lots of good info. with his credit card, a $1000 donation to a charity of our choice was …
Feb 01
Columbia Asset Management, HLS Investor Executives Hacked
Communiqué Date:February 1, 2006 Institution targeted: Columbia Asset Management, HLS Investor Two anonymous messages received by activists in the US: 1. “An open letter to Brian Guenard, Vice President of Columbia Asset Management Your company has chosen to invest in Huntingdon Life Sciences, with 3 million invested in HLS’s stock (LSRI.ob) held in your company’s …
Jan 31
Animal Liberation Press Officer Goes Head-to-Head with Fox News Host John Kasich
Animal Liberation Press Officer Goes Head-to-Head with Fox News Host John Kasich Dr. Jerry Vlasak, one of three Press Officers with the North American Animal Liberation Press Office (NAALPO), was interviewed this past Saturday on the Fox News show, “Heartland.” The three-minute, contentious piece can now be viewed here. Host John Kasich is a former …
Jan 29
ALF threatens all out war against Oxford students
The Sunday Times – Britain January 29, 2006 ALF threatens all out war against Oxford students Jon Ungoed-Thomas and Nick Fielding ANIMAL activists have for the first time threatened violence against all staff and students at Oxford university over its plans for a £20m animal research laboratory. In a posting on an internet site, the …
Jan 20
Press Officer and 10 Other Sea Shepherd Crew Found Guilty in Prince Edward Island Court for Defending Seals
For Immediate Release January 20, 2006 Press Officer and 10 Other Sea Shepherd Crew Found Guilty in Prince Edward Island Court for Defending Seals Charlottetown, PEI (Canada)- Dr. Jerry Vlasak, a North American Animal Liberation Press Officer, is one of eleven Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) volunteer crew found guilty this week in Charlottetown, Prince …
Jan 15
Spain Activists Liberate 28 Beagles from Laboratory in Honor of Bill Rodgers, US Activist Found Dead in His Jail Cell
For Immediate Release January 15, 2006 Spain Activists Liberate 28 Beagles from Laboratory in Honor of Bill Rodgers, US Activist Found Dead in His Jail Cell The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) liberated 28 beagles from the veterinary facilities of the Independent University of Madrid earlier this month, according to an anonymous communique posted on the …
Jan 13
28 Beagles Liberated from University of Madrid Vivisection
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: January 13, 2006 Institution targeted: Independent University of Madrid Our celebration of the New Year was something different from the normal thing. A few hours after the year began, we were in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Independent University of Madrid, about 400 meters from Moncloa, where Spanish …
Dec 23
Hofstra University President Home Painted for Connection to GSK /HLS
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: December 23, 2005 Institution targeted: HLS Customer GlaxoSmithKline Reported anonymously, 12/23: “Last night the ALF vandalized the home of president of Hofstra University, Stuart Rabinowitz. We did this because he and the university made the poor choice of naming Collin Goddard, CEO to OSI Pharmaceuticals the keynote speaker at their …
Dec 14
Press Officer and 10 Other Sea Shepherd Crew To Stand Trial for Defending Seals
For Immediate Release December 14, 2005 Press Officer and 10 Other Sea Shepherd Crew To Stand Trial for Defending Seals Los Angeles- Dr. Jerry Vlasak, a North American Animal Liberation Press Officer, is one of eleven Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) volunteer crew to go on trial this Thursday in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. …
Dec 13
Multiple Fur Shops, Glued & Painted, Montreal
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: December 13, 2005 Institution targeted: Multiple Fur Shops } Received anonymously by activists in Canada: “Montreal (Quebec) Canada 3 Fur Stores Vandalised In the night from 8th to 9th of December 2005, three fur stores were vandalised in north of Montreal city. At the first one, we wrote some graffiti …
Dec 11
Thomas Cook Office, Windows Smashed for Mauritian Primate Trade
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: December 11, 2005 Institution targeted: Thomas Cook Received anonymously by activists in Canada: “In the middle of the night of November 29th we visited a Thomas Cook office because of their inaction to stop the Mauritian primate trade. Two large windows were smash causing hundreds of dollars of damage. Thomas …
Dec 11
Federal Agents, Frustrated and Publicly Humiliated, Arrest Six Activists for 7-Year-Old Acts of Sabotage
For Immediate Release December 11, 2005 Federal Agents, Frustrated and Publicly Humiliated, Arrest Six Activists for 7-Year-Old Acts of Sabotage Eugene, OR- On Wednesday, federal agents arrested six activists suspected of arsons at four locations and the 1999 destruction of an electric transmission tower in the Northwest; included were two men charged with an arson …
Nov 28
3 Stores Glued and Painted, Montreal
Communiqué from ALF activists Date: November 28, 2005 Institution targeted: Multiple Fur Shops Received anonymously by activists in Canada: “Montreal (Quebec) Canada In the night from 20th to 21st novembre 2005, three fur stores are visited in Montreal. At the first one (in downtown), we only have time for painting some letters in red. At …
Nov 17
Long Island Deer Kill Suspended Two Days After Strike by Animal Liberation Front
For Immediate Release November 17, 2005 Long Island Deer Kill Suspended Two Days After Strike by Animal Liberation Front Lloyd Harbor, NY- The New York State Parks Department suspended a Long Island deer kill days after the town’s mayor was targeted by the Animal Liberation Front. The so-called hunt had allowed hunters to shoot the …