Received anonymously

This horrific animal torture is proudly credited to:
Paul Ballard
24 Zebs Lane
Tumbling Shoals, AR 72581
We hadn’t got but 50 yards down the road when I spotted the 1st trap. It’s the one that had the racoon’s foot in it. The long stake attached to it took me about 20 minutes to dig up. I was nervous that I was gonna get caught so I got the dogs in the cars and was going to leave but just couldn’t. I went back and found 2 more. Went home and looked up Arkansas trapping law and found out that traps with bait(these had small fish) are supposed to be checked every 24 hours. By the presence of the racoon’s foot and the looks of the fish it had obviously not been checked in 24 hours. I went back the next day and found 3 more traps. I had a lot of fun cutting them all up and throwing them away. I hope that I cost this bastard a lot of money. There were small brass tags on each trap identifying the owner as required by law. So I am providing you this information to make public. And as long as these trappers continue to prey on the innocent, they should know that we are here to continue to sabotage their efforts and identify them for the world. The Resistance, NIO Arkansas