Tag: Ulster Brigade

Animal Rights Militia Threatens Force to Stop Badger Cull (Ireland)

Received anonymously: Today, the 24th March 2022, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, along with the fascist DUP’s Agriculture Minister, Edwin Poots, announced that they have green lit the proposed badger cull. This comes just days after the headline news in the United Kingdom of yet another group of researches finding that the culling …

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Animal Rights Militia Threatens Force to Stop Badger Cull (Ireland)

Received anonymously: Today, the 24th March 2022, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, along with the fascist DUP’s Agriculture Minister, Edwin Poots, announced that they have green lit the proposed badger cull. This comes just days after the headline news in the United Kingdom of yet another group of researches finding that the culling …

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