Tag: slaughterhouse

Arson at Cordillera Slaughterhouse and Meat Packing Plant (Chile)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translated): ADJUDICATION OF ARSON ATTACK ON THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE AND MEAT PACKING PLANT CORDILLERA OF DINACAR HOLDING. PUENTE ALTO, CHILE. On the night of Saturday, September 30, we successfully attacked the Cordillera slaughterhouse and meat packing plant, setting fire to part of its infrastructure and logistics, aiming to cause as much damage as …

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Arson at Cordillera Slaughterhouse and Meat Packing Plant (Chile)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translated): ADJUDICATION OF ARSON ATTACK ON THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE AND MEAT PACKING PLANT CORDILLERA OF DINACAR HOLDING. PUENTE ALTO, CHILE. On the night of Saturday, September 30, we successfully attacked the Cordillera slaughterhouse and meat packing plant, setting fire to part of its infrastructure and logistics, aiming to cause as much damage as …

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Futuro Vegetal Sabotages Europe’s Largest Slaughterhouse (Spain)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH: The biggest slaughterhouse in Europe is in Binefar, Huesca, where 30,000 animals are killed ever single day. The vast majority of the animals killed come from farms in Lleida and Huesca, and the flesh is then exported to China and Northern European countries. This week, we entered the buildings and sabotaged the …

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Futuro Vegetal Sabotages Europe’s Largest Slaughterhouse (Spain)

Received anonymously: ENGLISH: The biggest slaughterhouse in Europe is in Binefar, Huesca, where 30,000 animals are killed ever single day. The vast majority of the animals killed come from farms in Lleida and Huesca, and the flesh is then exported to China and Northern European countries. This week, we entered the buildings and sabotaged the …

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Danish Slaughterhouse Sabotaged

Received anonymously: ENGLISH: THERE’S NO EXCUSE FOR ANIMAL ABUSE! A slaughterhouse on Zealand has been sabotaged by activists in February 2022. The activists have punctured the tyres of several wagons, spray painted messages and destroyed equipment. DANISH: THERE’S NO EXCUSE FOR ANIMAL ABUSE! Et slagteri på Sjælland er blevet saboteret af aktivister i februar 2022. …

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Danish Slaughterhouse Sabotaged

Received anonymously: ENGLISH: THERE’S NO EXCUSE FOR ANIMAL ABUSE! A slaughterhouse on Zealand has been sabotaged by activists in February 2022. The activists have punctured the tyres of several wagons, spray painted messages and destroyed equipment. DANISH: THERE’S NO EXCUSE FOR ANIMAL ABUSE! Et slagteri på Sjælland er blevet saboteret af aktivister i februar 2022. …

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