Tag: Sabotage

Piglet Liberated from Breeding Farm (Denmark)

Received anonymously from Unoffensive Animal: On a stormy night in January this little boy was liberated from an intensive pig breeding farm in Denmark. Denmark prides itself on high animal welfare but it is clear in all of these farms that all they care about is money. This little baby was liberated from a life time …

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22 Hunting Towers Destroyed (Brittany, France)

Received anonymously: We destroyed 22 hunting towers in the night between the 5th and the 6th of October. It took place in the Lanouée forest, in Brittany, France. Media: https://www.ouest-france.fr/bretagne/ploermel-56800/foret-de-lanouee-les-miradors-des-chasseurs-scies-et-saccages-6555547 Until all animals are free.

KFC, Burger King and Popeye’s Painted FLA-CVN-Mexico

Communiqué from ALF activists Date: February 5, 2008 Institution targeted: Mexican Eateries Received anonymously On February 5th, a march was carried out against bullfighting. Convening on the outskirts of the ‘monumental’ Plaza de Toros Mexico the majority of the activists (vegetarians, vegans, environmentalists, etc.) were of a pacifist attitude towards this place. On the same …

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