Received anonymously: Sunday morning the A.L.F visited Lake Colac in Victoria, so-called Australia to let hunters know they aren’t welcome to shoot innocent animals on these wetlands. We put a lock and chain on a gate at one of the entrances into the wetlands preventing hunters getting into the wetlands and preventing the hunters who …
Tag: Sabotage
Apr 02
KFC Sabotaged with Paint (Denmark)
Received anonymously: A group of activists spray painted “meat is murder” and other messages on a KFC in Denmark. On the small piece of land they call “Denmark”, where less than 6 million humans live, over a hundred million chickens are enslaved and killed each year. They live miserable lives in factory farms, bred into …
Mar 22
Butcher Shop Windows Smashed (Patras, Greece)
7th March, Patras, Greece. Originally published on Athens indymedia. ENGLISH (translation) Taking responsibility for an attack on a butcher’s shop [Patras] The struggle for anarchy must be multiform and anti-crisisism can only be an integral part of it. We understand anarchy also in the light of total liberation, we oppose all forms of power and …
Mar 19
Orfei Circus Sabotaged (Bologna, Italy)
Received anonymously: 17th March ENGLISH (translation): The Orfei Circus Traveling Jail has arrived in Imola (Bologna, Italy), with over 100 animals, including lions, tigers, giraffes, and horses forced to live in unnatural conditions for the sole purpose of entertaining the public. The Orfei Circus persists in exploiting these individuals. Faced with this cruel reality, an …
Mar 18
Rat Traps Sabotaged (Dorset, UK)
Each box was labelled as containing ‘rodenticide’ so we knew not to smash them up and risk scattering it, and not to just toss them into the bin where they could hurt other rats. We didn’t have the means to cut the wires and take all of them away to dismantle and burn so we …
Mar 11
Wildlife Traps and Cameras Destroyed (Bavaria, Germany)
According to reports in hunting media, two hunting areas near Würzburg in Bavaria have been vandalised by activists. At least three concrete pipe traps were destroyed, along with the wildlife cameras set up around them. Thilo Duschner, the hunter and owner of the traps and wildlife cameras, says the attack was no coincidence. He believes …
Mar 10
Butcher Shop Has Power Shut Off (Portland, Oregon, USA)
Received anonymously: Last night we cut off the tiny padlock to the breaker box of a butcher shop “pasture pdx” and shut off their power to make the flesh they butchered unsellable. we also sealed the lock on the door with spray foam insulation. We also shut power to two adjacent stores because it was …
Mar 03
Dairy Farm Sabotaged (Leicestershire, UK)
Received anonymously: it is no longer enough to liberate animals from abuse whilst causing the scum that abuse them no bother. for that reason, we fucked up a dairy parlour as much as we could and hope the farmer had an absolute nightmare of a morning when they woke up. every single one of the …
Feb 27
Hunting Tower Arson Caps 2-Year Campaign (Bavaria, Germany)
According to local media, a hunter in Ansbach has faced continuous sabotage for the past two years. A year ago he fell from a tower that had been sawn and put together again, breaking his hand. The latest attack was fire, and the hunter found his tower burnt to the ground. He estimates the latest …
Feb 26
MaxMara Targeted by ALF During Fashion Week (Lombardy, North Italy)
Received anonymously: ENGLISH (translation): February 20 in Milan began the fashion week that will see on the catwalks, among others, the Max Mara group one of the few brands that has not yet given up fur despite years of protests by animal rights activists. A worldwide campaign has been launched these days by the fur …
Feb 26
ALF Defaces Offices of Hunt Supporter Jacinta Allan (Victoria, Australia)
Received anonymously: Last year the state of Victoria in so-called Australia held a public inquiry into duck shooting. The results of that inquiry saw a recommendation to ban duck shooting in Victoria given a majority vote for the ban. On the 29/01/2024, Jacinta Allan went against her own party’s recommendation and has allowed this cowardice …
Feb 21
14 Hunting Towers Destroyed (Limbaud Forest, Var, France)
According to local media, hunters from Var discovered fourteen hunting towers destroyed earlier this month. They are used to the odd tower being smashed, but they were left perplexed by the amount of destruction unknown perpetrators left behind this time. Anchoring posts dug up, structures knocked down, fittings dismantled: all that remains of the hunting …
Feb 21
4 Hunting Towers Destroyed by ALF (Wettin Forest, Germany)
According to local reports, four hunting towers in Wettin Forest, Germany, were found destroyed during Valentine’s day. Wolfgang Buchholz, who organises the hunting in the forest, says that they are suspicious of the Animal Liberation Front due to graffiti they have found in the broken towers reading “ALF” and “hunt hunters”. “The four best high …