Tag: michigan

Largest US Fur Farm, Recently Raided by ALF, Closes

The largest mink farm in the U.S. is closing on Friday. The owner of North America’s largest mink farm, located in Van Wert County, Ohio is closing down the business and selling it, according to the farm’s operations manager, Eddie Meyer. Last month, at least 10,000 mink were liberated from this hell of humanity’s making by …

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4000 More Captive Mink Find Freedom in Michigan

For Immediate Release December 19, 2022 Activists Formally Claim the Liberation, As Well As Extensive Sabotage of the Confinement Facility Michigan: In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, activists have claimed responsibility for the liberation of 4000 captive mink from Scholten Farm in Wayland, Michigan (260 139th Avenue). This …

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4000 More Mink Find Freedom, Farm Sabotaged in Michigan (USA)

Received anonymously: scholten farm and feed supply, at 260 139th ave in wayland michigan, recently woke up to the jubilation of 4,000 mink getting their first taste of freedom. scholten farms has concrete walls surrounding their mink prisons, but 4 ramps were built (with their own materials) and lots of mink treats were laid along …

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4000 More Mink Find Freedom, Farm Sabotaged in Michigan (USA)

Received anonymously: scholten farm and feed supply, at 260 139th ave in wayland michigan, recently woke up to the jubilation of 4,000 mink getting their first taste of freedom. scholten farms has concrete walls surrounding their mink prisons, but 4 ramps were built (with their own materials) and lots of mink treats were laid along …

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ALF Liberate 800 More Mink from Pipkorn Farm (Michigan)

Received anonymously: all mink (800) released from pipkorn farm: a delayed response to the farmer’s open letter from 1999; sorry it took us so long to respond (we weren’t born yet). to remind you. (https://www.naiaonline.org/articles/article/an-open-letter-to-our-neighbors-from-pipkorn-mink-ranch), this is what was published after the elf freed 5,000 mink from your killing chambers in northern michigan. the midwest is …

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ALF Liberate 800 More Mink from Pipkorn Farm (Michigan)

Received anonymously: all mink (800) released from pipkorn farm: a delayed response to the farmer’s open letter from 1999; sorry it took us so long to respond (we weren’t born yet). to remind you. https://www.naiaonline.org/articles/article/an-open-letter-to-our-neighbors-from-pipkorn-mink-ranch), this is what was published after the elf freed 5,000 mink from your killing chambers in northern michigan. the midwest …

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