Tag: lamb

5 Lambs Liberated for Easter (UK)

Received anonymously: As the nation celebrated Easter with a bloodbath of violence, roasting and tearing up the bodies of millions of innocent lambs, we fought back and saved the lives of five tiny lambs. Having checked out the spot already, we crept in the shadows past a farmhouse where the scumbag farmers were watching TV …

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ALF Liberates 8 Lambs in Solidarity with Chilean Detainees Northamptonshire, UK)

Received anonymously: On the 7th November, after having heard of the arrest of four comrades accused of a slaughterhosue arson in Chile, we decided to take action in solidarity. We had been keeping an eye on a Northamptonshire sheep farmer that is known to neglect animals even more than the standard. We paid a visit …

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ALF Liberates 8 Lambs in Solidarity with Chilean Detainees Northamptonshire, UK)

Received anonymously: On the 7th November, after having heard of the arrest of four comrades accused of a slaughterhosue arson in Chile, we decided to take action in solidarity. We had been keeping an eye on a Northamptonshire sheep farmer that is known to neglect animals even more than the standard. We paid a visit …

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Orphan Lamb Liberated by ALF (Kent, UK)

Received anonymously: Your farm is shit, your ‘job’ is shit and your “trespassers will be prosecuted” sign is shit! Tiny, orphaned lamb in a field with no mother, alone, in the cold night, crying. We saw you, you’re safe now. In solidarity with the #killthebill riots. None are free until all are free ALF

Orphan Lamb Liberated by ALF (Kent, UK)

Received anonymously: Your farm is shit, your ‘job’ is shit and your “trespassers will be prosecuted” sign is shit! Tiny, orphaned lamb in a field with no mother, alone, in the cold night, crying. We saw you, you’re safe now. In solidarity with the #killthebill riots. None are free until all are free ALF

7 Lambs Liberated (France)

Received anonymously: LAMBS RESCUE BEFORE EASTER, Eure, France, Saturday April 3, 2021. Breaking into a farm, opening the cages and taking out the victims is an evidence, and on this Saturday, April 3, day before Easter, justice has been done for seven of our sisters and brothers, prisoners of one of these subsidized concentration camps. …

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Lamb Liberated, Message Sent to Priti Patel (UK)

Received anonymously: As Easter approaches we decided that we needed to do something, this lamb won’t be appearing on a plate near you! Liberated and safe now, they’ll never know the fate that might have been. A note to Priti: You might pass in history as the politician that single handedly forced the resurgence of …

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Lamb Liberated, Message Sent to Priti Patel (UK)

Received anonymously: As Easter approaches we decided that we needed to do something, this lamb won’t be appearing on a plate near you! Liberated and safe now, they’ll never know the fate that might have been. A note to Priti: You might pass in history as the politician that single handedly forced the resurgence of …

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Lamb Saved from Imminent Death (UK)

Received anonymously: On the Resist Anti Trespass day of action we went for a little walk around the countryside. After a few ignored “private property” signs we heard sheep in a near-by orchard. We decided to take a look and wasn’t prepared for what we saw. Two dead ewes and a lamb standing by them. …

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Lamb Saved from Imminent Death (UK)

Received anonymously: On the Resist Anti Trespass day of action we went for a little walk around the countryside. After a few ignored “private property” signs we heard sheep in a near-by orchard. We decided to take a look and wasn’t prepared for what we saw. Two dead ewes and a lamb standing by them. …

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