Tag: hunters

Hunt Sabotage in Germany

Received anonymouslyl: Before and after photos of our forest walk. Grüsse aus Deustchland

ALF Destroys Hunting Centre, Liberates 22 Quail (Bergamo Italy)

Via: Frente De Liberación Animal ENG: On the night of the 23rd, the ALF attacked a training centre owned by the hunting federation in Bergamo. They broke cages and liberated 22 quails. The training centre was completely destroyed. SP: «En la noche del 23 al 24 de agosto, el Frente de Liberación Animal asaltó el centro …

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ALF Destroys Hunting Centre, Liberates 22 Quail (Bergamo Italy)

Via: Frente De Liberación Animal ENG: On the night of the 23rd, the ALF attacked a training centre owned by the hunting federation in Bergamo. They broke cages and liberated 22 quails. The training centre was completely destroyed. SP: «En la noche del 23 al 24 de agosto, el Frente de Liberación Animal asaltó el centro …

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Hikers Destroy Trap (Quebec, Canada)

Received anonymously: Not far from a hiking trail, fixed on a tree, we spotted a weird black box. Inside, there was a rusted killing device. These are called Conibear / Bodygrip Trap. They are fatal and used for wild fur animals such as muskrat, mink, skunk, marten, bobcat, otter, raccoon and beaver. They could also …

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Activists Sabotage Hunter’s Car with Nailboards (Germany)

Thuringia Germany According to local media, two unknown people placed a homemade nail board under a hunter’s car, causing punctures in two of the tyres. The 72-year-old hunter reported that the sabotage costed him 250 EUR.

Activists Sabotage Hunter’s Car with Nailboards (Germany)

Thuringia Germany According to local media, two unknown people placed a homemade nail board under a hunter’s car, causing punctures in two of the tyres. The 72-year-old hunter reported that the sabotage costed him 250 EUR.

Hikers Destroy Trap (Quebec, Canada)

Received anonymously: Not far from a hiking trail, fixed on a tree, we spotted a weird black box. Inside, there was a rusted killing device. These are called Conibear / Bodygrip Trap. They are fatal and used for wild fur animals such as muskrat, mink, skunk, marten, bobcat, otter, raccoon and beaver. They could also …

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ALF Sabotages Hunting Premises, Again (Germany)

Wittingen Lower Saxony Germany. According to local media, the hunting premisses in Wittingen/Ostheide were destroyed once again after a whole year of repairs forced by sabotage actions last year. The premises are used to facilitate the hunting in the area as well as to house foxes in kennels. The ALF destroyed the fences and posts …

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ALF Sabotages Hunting Premises, Again (Germany)

Wittingen Lower Saxony Germany. According to local media, the hunting premisses in Wittingen/Ostheide were destroyed once again after a whole year of repairs forced by sabotage actions last year. The premises are used to facilitate the hunting in the area as well as to house foxes in kennels. The ALF destroyed the fences and posts …

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Seven Hunting Towers Sabotaged (Hambacher Forst, Germany)

Originally published on Contra Info: Last full moon night we wanted to piss off the fuckin hunters. So we attacked hunting towers. 5 of them got totally destroyed and 2 that were made of metal just partially. We didn’t make photos because we hate technology. SOLIDARITY WITH THE NON HUMANS RESISTING HUMAN OPPRESSION SOLIDARITY WITH THE …

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Seven Hunting Towers Sabotaged (Hambacher Forst, Germany)

Originally published on Contra Info: Last full moon night we wanted to piss off the fuckin hunters. So we attacked hunting towers. 5 of them got totally destroyed and 2 that were made of metal just partially. We didn’t make photos because we hate technology. SOLIDARITY WITH THE NON HUMANS RESISTING HUMAN OPPRESSION SOLIDARITY WITH THE …

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More Hunting Towers Sabotaged (Czech Republic)


More Hunting Towers Sabotaged (Czech Republic)


ALF Destroys More Hunting Towers (Czech Republic)

Received anonymously: We destroyed the hunting towers again! We know that is not punishment enough for murdering our non-human brothers and sisters! Stop hunting!

ALF Destroys More Hunting Towers (Czech Republic)

Received anonymously: We destroyed the hunting towers again! We know that is not punishment enough for murdering our non-human brothers and sisters! Stop hunting!