Received anonymously: Under the cover of night 2 huntsabbers snuck into the forrest and approached the hunt towers. These hunttowers were used to primarily shoot roe deer and sources said these we’re making lot’s of victims. For freedom – For justice – For peace
Tag: hunters
Jan 24
Another Hunting Tower Set Ablaze in Germany (Longkamp)
According to local press, unknown people set on fire a hunting tower in the middle of a meadow in Longkamp, using the darkness of the night as a disguise. The damage was valued at 1500 EUR. This is the second time in nine months that a tower is set alight near Longkamp. The police says …
Jan 24
Another Hunting Tower Set Ablaze in Germany (Longkamp)
According to local press, unknown people set on fire a hunting tower in the middle of a meadow in Longkamp, using the darkness of the night as a disguise. The damage was valued at 1500 EUR. This is the second time in nine months that a tower is set alight near Longkamp. The police says …
Jan 20
Hunting Tower Set on Fire (Darmstadt Germany)
According to local hunting press, on the night of the 6th of December a hunting hide in Darmstadt was found on fire by the local hunter. The hunter and owner of the hide says that he estimates the costs at around 800 EUR and insists that “hunting hides don’t spontaneously combust”. The police is begging …
Jan 20
Hunting Tower Set on Fire (Darmstadt Germany)
According to local hunting press, on the night of the 6th of December a hunting hide in Darmstadt was found on fire by the local hunter. The hunter and owner of the hide says that he estimates the costs at around 800 EUR and insists that “hunting hides don’t spontaneously combust”. The police is begging …
Jan 02
Multiple Attacks on Hunting Infrastructure in Germany
According to pro hunt magazines, multiple attacks on hunting infrastructure have taken place in the month of December. In Bavaria, an unknown group of people toppled a hunting tower, dismantled it, set it alight and then cooked a meal using the embers. They left the pan behind when they were finished. In Lower Saxony, five …
Jan 02
Multiple Attacks on Hunting Infrastructure in Germany
According to pro hunt magazines, multiple attacks on hunting infrastructure have taken place in the month of December. In Bavaria, an unknown group of people toppled a hunting tower, dismantled it, set it alight and then cooked a meal using the embers. They left the pan behind when they were finished. In Lower Saxony, five …
Dec 21
“The tree we like is the one with the hunter: but hanging!” (Italy)
The Centopercentoanimalisti group contested the hunters’ Christmas tree with a banner hung in the night in front of the church of Sernaglia. The writing, in strong tones, affixed by the group reads: “The tree we like is the one with the hunter: but hanging!”. The animal rights activists have also released a video on Youtube …
Dec 20
ALF Liberates Dog from Former Hunt Master (Northamptonshire, UK)
Received anonymously: Back in October in the countryside of Northamptonshire we found a very disgusting place that stunk of rotting and looked like an animal incinerator. There was a dog locked up inside without water, drinking from puddles filled up with blood from dead animals rotting in bins and with a very infected eye. We …
Dec 20
ALF Liberates Dog from Former Hunt Master (Northamptonshire, UK)
Received anonymously: Back in October in the countryside of Northamptonshire we found a very disgusting place that stunk of rotting and looked like an animal incinerator. There was a dog locked up inside without water, drinking from puddles filled up with blood from dead animals rotting in bins and with a very infected eye. We …