According to mainstream media, in the space of four months, in Villeneuve, France, the premises of the Gergy Hunting Society, chaired by Jérôme Sarre, have been damaged three times.
Tag: hunters
Feb 10
ALF Destroys 5 Hunting Stands (Germany)
The A.L.F. save wild life in Germany in memory of Mike Hill and sabot 5 hunting stands REMEMBERING MIKE HILL 9.FEBRUARY.1991 30 years ago today, on the 9th of February 1991, hunt saboteur Mike Hill was killed at a meet of the Cheshire Beagles. Towards the end of the days hunting, with sabs having …
Feb 07
ALF Destroys 21 Hunting Towers (France)
Received anonymously: English : Action Stop Hunting Animals in France The murderers and animal killers are still cracking down, which is why the members of ALF came back to destroy 21 hunting houses. Real structures in nature with concrete roof steel beams … empty cartridges left to pollute the community. Armed psycopathes who cut open …
Feb 07
ALF Destroys 21 Hunting Towers (France)
Received anonymously: English : Action Stop Hunting Animals in France The murderers and animal killers are still cracking down, which is why the members of ALF came back to destroy 21 hunting houses. Real structures in nature with concrete roof steel beams … empty cartridges left to pollute the community. Armed psycopathes who cut open …
Jan 24
ALF Topples Hunting Towers (Germany)
From German Media (translation) The sight of the destroyed, sawn-down hunting high seat, which lies on the ground on the country road between Rheinfelden and Möhlin, annoys Willy Itin, hunting supervisor in the Rheinfelden area. “2000 francs are over,” he says and adds: “It’s a bottomless impudence – just destroying someone else’s property.” With red …
Jan 24
ALF Topples Hunting Towers (Germany)
From German Media (translation) The sight of the destroyed, sawn-down hunting high seat, which lies on the ground on the country road between Rheinfelden and Möhlin, annoys Willy Itin, hunting supervisor in the Rheinfelden area. “2000 francs are over,” he says and adds: “It’s a bottomless impudence – just destroying someone else’s property.” With red …
Jan 23
ALF Liberates Chained Hunting Dog (Veneto, Italy)
Received anonymously: ENG: The Animal Liberation Front has liberated a hunting dog that was extremely ill in Veneto (Italy). Their liberation was the only viable solution. Overnight, hidden in the shadows, the liberators broke their chains. Now they are being treated by a vet and will live in a home where they will be respected …
Jan 23
ALF Liberates Chained Hunting Dog (Veneto, Italy)
Received anonymously: ENG: The Animal Liberation Front has liberated a hunting dog that was extremely ill in Veneto (Italy). Their liberation was the only viable solution. Overnight, hidden in the shadows, the liberators broke their chains. Now they are being treated by a vet and will live in a home where they will be respected …
Jan 17
Hunting Cabin Destroyed in Arson (France)
Received anonymously: a hunting cabin was set on fire by cutting a hole in the roof and spilling a flammable liquid through it in malleville-sur-le-bec, france French: Fin octobre, à Malleville-sur-le-Bec dans l’Eure (27), un conteneur faisant office de cabane de chasse a été incendié par un·e ou des anonymes. Un trou a été fait …
Jan 17
Hunting Cabin Destroyed in Arson (France)
Received anonymously: a hunting cabin was set on fire by cutting a hole in the roof and spilling a flammable liquid through it in malleville-sur-le-bec, france French: Fin octobre, à Malleville-sur-le-Bec dans l’Eure (27), un conteneur faisant office de cabane de chasse a été incendié par un·e ou des anonymes. Un trou a été fait …
Jan 07
ALF Vandalizes Hunting School, Destroys 5 Hunting Towers (Sweden)
Received anonymously: FOR THE WOLVES – A FIRE BURNS IN THE SWEDISH FOREST! HUNTING HIGH SCHOOL VANDALIZED! HUNTING TOWERS SABOTAGED! Hunters in so-called Sweden began this year with the mass murder of wolves. The snow is stained with blood. SCUM! Unfortunately we were unable to prevent the wolf slaughter, this time. Yet ALF went out …
Jan 07
ALF Vandalizes Hunting School, Destroys 5 Hunting Towers (Sweden)
Received anonymously: FOR THE WOLVES – A FIRE BURNS IN THE SWEDISH FOREST! HUNTING HIGH SCHOOL VANDALIZED! HUNTING TOWERS SABOTAGED! Hunters in so-called Sweden began this year with the mass murder of wolves. The snow is stained with blood. SCUM! Unfortunately we were unable to prevent the wolf slaughter, this time. Yet ALF went out …