Tag: hunters

ALF Vandalize Hunters’ Building (Bollate, Italy)

According to local press, a hunting meet up and storage building belonging to the Italian Hunting Federation was vandalized by animal rights activists, who destroyed furniture, broke equipment and painted the walls with slogans like “You are the violent ones” and “ALF”. Silvia Scurati, the regional representative for the Hunting League said that the action …

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ALF Vandalize Hunters’ Building (Bollate, Italy)

According to local press, a hunting meet up and storage building belonging to the Italian Hunting Federation was vandalized by animal rights activists, who destroyed furniture, broke equipment and painted the walls with slogans like “You are the violent ones” and “ALF”. Silvia Scurati, the regional representative for the Hunting League said that the action …

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Hunter Injured in Fall from Sabotaged Tower (Bavaria, Germany)

According to hunting newspapers, a hunting tower in Ansbach, Bavaria, was manipulated by unknown individuals. They took the racket strap holding the ladder in place, rendering the tower unsafe. When the 52 year old hunter climbed the ladder without realising, he made the structure slip away from the tree and came crashing into the floor, …

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Hunting Towers Destroyed (Germany)


Hunting Towers Destroyed (Germany)


Hunting Towers Destroyed (Czech Republic)

Received anonymously: In a few days/weeks/months (take your pick) were those who kill our brothers and sisters for their stupid fun vandalized! We will for sure continue in our actions!

Hunting Towers Destroyed (Czech Republic)

Received anonymously: In a few days/weeks/months (take your pick) were those who kill our brothers and sisters for their stupid fun vandalized! We will for sure continue in our actions!

ALF Sabotage 29 Hunting Towers (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Belgium 10.06.2022 The A.L.F. sabotages 29 hunting towers and saves Wildlife

ALF Sabotage 29 Hunting Towers (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Belgium 10.06.2022 The A.L.F. sabotages 29 hunting towers and saves Wildlife

ALF Sabotages 10 Hunting Towers, Smash Cameras in Solidarity with MBR Beagles (Sweden)

Received anonymously: In midsummer time the sun never goes down over so called Sweden. At night the ALF swarmed in the woods and sabotaged 10 hunting towers and smashed hunting cameras. We destroyed that which destroys. No rest for the wicked. Solidarity With Animal Freedom Movement. Shut Down MBR Acres. Free The MBR Beagles. Until …

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ALF Sabotages 10 Hunting Towers, Smash Cameras in Solidarity with MBR Beagles (Sweden)

Received anonymously: In midsummer time the sun never goes down over so called Sweden. At night the ALF swarmed in the woods and sabotaged 10 hunting towers and smashed hunting cameras. We destroyed that which destroys. No rest for the wicked. Solidarity With Animal Freedom Movement. Shut Down MBR Acres. Free The MBR Beagles. Until …

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Hunting Shop Sabotaged (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

Hunting store tagged Quebec Montreal

Hunting Shop Sabotaged (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

Hunting store tagged Quebec Montreal

ALF Destroys 29 Hunting Towers (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Belgium 10.06.2022 The A.L.F. sabotages 29 hunting towers and saves Wildlife

ALF Destroys 29 Hunting Towers (Belgium)

Received anonymously: Belgium 10.06.2022 The A.L.F. sabotages 29 hunting towers and saves Wildlife