Tag: guinea pigs

ALF Liberates More than 400 Guinea Pigs in Solidarity with MBR Beagles (England, UK)

Received anonymously: In January we read an ALF report about a salamander liberation at a UK pet breeder who was selling animals to vivisection laboratories and it peaked our interest. By chance we stumbled upon an animal delivery at a local Pets At Home. Sticky fingers helped us collect an invoice from the front of …

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ALF Liberates More than 400 Guinea Pigs in Solidarity with MBR Beagles (England, UK)

Received anonymously: In January we read an ALF report about a salamander liberation at a UK pet breeder who was selling animals to vivisection laboratories and it peaked our interest. By chance we stumbled upon an animal delivery at a local Pets At Home. Sticky fingers helped us collect an invoice from the front of …

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