Tag: bob zimbal

Former Animal Liberation Front Member Challenges Fur Commission USA Director and Fur Farmers to Debate

Update:  Fur Commission USA has issued a statement saying it “staunchly refuses to engage with or validate terrorists groups by offering them a media platform”. Good call, FCUSA! Former Animal Liberation Front (ALF) member and current North American Animal Liberation Press Officer Joseph Buddenberg challenges Fur Commission USA Executive Director Challis Hobbs or mink farmer …

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Two Wisconsin Fur Farms Contaminated (USA)

it’s a good thing animal safe havens and wildlife rehabbers talk. we got word of a few mink infected with the deadly and contagious aleutians disease. we cared for these animals in their dying weeks, carefully saving the feces and urine. we then bypassed security measures and entered the zimbal’s mink farm locations at 6437 …

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Two Wisconsin Fur Farms Contaminated (USA)

it’s a good thing animal safe havens and wildlife rehabbers talk. we got word of a few mink infected with the deadly and contagious aleutians disease. we cared for these animals in their dying weeks, carefully saving the feces and urine. we then bypassed security measures and entered the zimbal’s mink farm locations at 6437 …

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