Received anonymously: In the past year, during the hunting seasons, a crew of Belgian wildlife enthusiasts immobilized more than 15 structures. These structures were used to kill or trap our wild animal brothers and sisters. Sometimes the time to strike was chosen carefully to slow down expensive and organized driven hunts that took place shortly …
Tag: belgium
Jan 02
Belgian Activists Destroy More Than 15 Hunting Structures
Received anonymously: In the past year, during the hunting seasons, a crew of Belgian wildlife enthusiasts immobilized more than 15 structures. These structures were used to kill or trap our wild animal brothers and sisters. Sometimes the time to strike was chosen carefully to slow down expensive and organized driven hunts that took place shortly …
Jul 12
55 Hens Liberated (Belgium)
Jul 12
55 Hens Liberated (Belgium)
Sep 13
56 Hens Liberated from Intensive Farm (Belgium)
Received anonymously: Two Animal Liberation Activists went into an intense cage farm and freed 56 hens. These hens were at the last week from being slaughtered and spend almost 1 year in their cages. They liberated hens in week 1, and liberated their sisters in their last week from that same horror place, and noticed …
Sep 13
56 Hens Liberated from Intensive Farm (Belgium)
Received anonymously: Two Animal Liberation Activists went into an intense cage farm and freed 56 hens. These hens were at the last week from being slaughtered and spend almost 1 year in their cages. They liberated hens in week 1, and liberated their sisters in their last week from that same horror place, and noticed …