Pledge Times An incendiary device may have been found on the driveway to the private villa of the meat entrepreneur Clemens Tönnies in Rheda-Wiedenbrück. On Thursday night, strangers left containers with liquid and lighter there, a police spokesman in Gütersloh in East Westphalia confirmed on Saturday. A letter of confession has been received. The Federal …
Tag: animal liberation
Aug 31
Badger Cull Millionaire Simon Orbell Visited Again (UK)
Received anonymously: Night 3/3. Simon and Lucy – We sticker bombed your neighbourhood. Every Lampost, for sale sign, and road sign has stickers of badgers on. Your neighbours will be reminded that they have killers in their community every road they turn down. Unless you take them down promptly as we noticed you did the …
Aug 31
Badger Cull Millionaire Simon Orbell Visited Again (UK)
Received anonymously: Night 3/3. Simon and Lucy – We sticker bombed your neighbourhood. Every Lampost, for sale sign, and road sign has stickers of badgers on. Your neighbours will be reminded that they have killers in their community every road they turn down. Unless you take them down promptly as we noticed you did the …
Aug 31
Anti-Speciesist Slogans Wheatpasted in the Streets of Strasbourg and Marseille (France)
Received anonymously: Not really a hit report but spotted overnight 26 August 2020 in Strasbourg and Marseille France – antispeciesist collages / postering. Great sort of pictures to motivate other activists elsewhere maybe? Super simple to prepare and do… All you need is A4 paper, acrylic paints, potato starch glue, some awesome slogans and a …
Aug 31
Badger Cull Supporter Simon Orbell Gets His House Painted (Guildford, UK)
Received anonymously: We received these pics showing the newly decorated Syntech office in Guildford and the owner of the companies house. Simon Orbell is the man who has a million pound contract for the tracking devices used by badger killers in the senseless Badger cull which is being paid from tax payers money. Apparently neighbours …
Aug 31
Badger Cull Supporter Simon Orbell Gets His House Painted (Guildford, UK)
Received anonymously: We received these pics showing the newly decorated Syntech office in Guildford and the owner of the companies house. Simon Orbell is the man who has a million pound contract for the tracking devices used by badger killers in the senseless Badger cull which is being paid from tax payers money. Apparently neighbours …
Aug 31
7 Shooting Structures Destroyed (Allauch, France)
Received anonymously: A message from “The ayatollahs de l’cologie” : In France, around August 23, we, antispeciesist activists, destroyed 6 hunting towers and 1 hunting hunt outside the city of Allauch. We call on all the antispeciesists : Destroy every hunting tower aroud you ! It is easy, everyone can do it, especially when it …
Aug 31
7 Shooting Structures Destroyed (Allauch, France)
Received anonymously: A message from “The ayatollahs de l’cologie” : In France, around August 23, we, antispeciesist activists, destroyed 6 hunting towers and 1 hunting hunt outside the city of Allauch. We call on all the antispeciesists : Destroy every hunting tower aroud you ! It is easy, everyone can do it, especially when it …
Aug 25
Wild Boar Liberated, Hunting Towers Destroyed (France)
Received anonymously: During the night between the 22nd and 23rd of August, in France (Loire-Atlantique), we decided to attack the powerful hunting lobby on two fronts. We destroyed and tagged 14 hunting towers at different places: a dozen next to a forest and some others hidden in a swamp vegetation. No animal was directly saved …
Aug 25
Wild Boar Liberated, Hunting Towers Destroyed (France)
Received anonymously: During the night between the 22nd and 23rd of August, in France (Loire-Atlantique), we decided to attack the powerful hunting lobby on two fronts. We destroyed and tagged 14 hunting towers at different places: a dozen next to a forest and some others hidden in a swamp vegetation. No animal was directly saved …
Aug 15
Rat Traps Destroyed (UK)
Received anonymously: Everywhere there’s humans there’s usually rat traps. Find them and get rid of them as often as you can. Rats deserve to not be poisoned, glued or to have their necks or backs broken in traps just because they exist. You almost always find rat traps at gas stations and supermarket bins. We …
Aug 14
Zoos Sabotaged (Basque Country/Spain)
Received anonymously: In Basondo Zoo there are 100 individuals locked up. In Sendaviva, around 800 non-human individuals are kept in cages for human enterntainment. Aside from that, this zoo has been having financial losses since it has been open, but the Government of Navarre has given them around 70 million euro so that they can …
Aug 14
Zoos Sabotaged (Basque Country/Spain)
Received anonymously: In Basondo Zoo there are 100 individuals locked up. In Sendaviva, around 800 non-human individuals are kept in cages for human enterntainment. Aside from that, this zoo has been having financial losses since it has been open, but the Government of Navarre has given them around 70 million euro so that they can …
Aug 14
Hunting Towers Destroyed (France)
Received anonymously (see above, or click here to view video): At the beginning of August, we, antispeciesist activists, destroyed several hunting towers at night. When we arrived on the location, we were observing the environment around us when we saw a few meters from us a wild boar with her babies. While this encounter was somewhat scary …