Tag: animal liberation
Aug 02
Magpie Liberated, Traps Destroyed by ALF (Italy)
Received anonymously: ENG: The ALF destroys a larsen trap and releases a magpie in Italy. A second trap was also destroyed and it will not be the last because we are everywhere. We have run out of patience, the traps are just the begining. SPA: EL Frente de Liberación Animal destruye una trampa larsen y …
Aug 02
Magpie Liberated, Traps Destroyed by ALF (Italy)
Received anonymously: ENG: The ALF destroys a larsen trap and releases a magpie in Italy. A second trap was also destroyed and it will not be the last because we are everywhere. We have run out of patience, the traps are just the begining. SPA: EL Frente de Liberación Animal destruye una trampa larsen y …
Jul 29
Keys and Equipment Taken from Dairy Farm (UK)
Received anonymously: Pure nosiness took us to the office of a dairy farm at 2am. In complete darkness, with the wind howling and music still eerily playing from the radio, we rummaged our way through their cupboards to our hearts’ content. Among the Ready Brek and cow-themed calendars from years gone by, a few items …
Jul 27
33 Hens Liberated in Solidarity with MBR Beagles (UK)
Received anonymously: As we walked up to a shed filled with 50,000 innocent lives, there were blue lights behind us and a newer, loud fan system on the shed. It was noisy and tense. We hung back to make sure all was clear and the blue lights continued past us. We had to crawl under …
Jul 27
33 Hens Liberated in Solidarity with MBR Beagles (UK)
Received anonymously: As we walked up to a shed filled with 50,000 innocent lives, there were blue lights behind us and a newer, loud fan system on the shed. It was noisy and tense. We hung back to make sure all was clear and the blue lights continued past us. We had to crawl under …
Jul 18
ALF Liberates More than 400 Guinea Pigs in Solidarity with MBR Beagles (England, UK)
Received anonymously: In January we read an ALF report about a salamander liberation at a UK pet breeder who was selling animals to vivisection laboratories and it peaked our interest. By chance we stumbled upon an animal delivery at a local Pets At Home. Sticky fingers helped us collect an invoice from the front of …
Jul 18
ALF Liberates More than 400 Guinea Pigs in Solidarity with MBR Beagles (England, UK)
Received anonymously: In January we read an ALF report about a salamander liberation at a UK pet breeder who was selling animals to vivisection laboratories and it peaked our interest. By chance we stumbled upon an animal delivery at a local Pets At Home. Sticky fingers helped us collect an invoice from the front of …