Received anonymously: On a cold starry night, 3 hunting towers were destroyed, 1 (made of steel) was knocked over. May there be peace in the forest for a while – more towers will fall!
Tag: animal liberation
Mar 09
Maxim Plokhoi on the Ukrainian War and the Oppression of Animals
Maxim Plokhoi has this to say about the war of aggression being waged against the Ukrainian people. As you may recall, Maxim forced the Ukrainian president to recommend his 40+ million citizens view Earthlings, the movie detailing animal oppression, cruelty, suffering and murder at the hands of humans. Maxim currently awaits sentencing in Ukraine; he is …
Mar 05
Hunting Tower at Fur Farm Sabotaged (Denmark)
Received anonymously: ENGLISH: Hunting tower at huge fur farm (fur farm with room for up to 20,000 individuals) on Zealand sabotaged in February 2022. All mistreatment is mistreatment – whether it is confining and breeding individuals, or killing wild individuals. It is all in the past and must stop! DANISH: FEBRUAR 2022, SJÆLLAND Jagttårn ved …
Mar 05
Hunting Tower at Fur Farm Sabotaged (Denmark)
Received anonymously: ENGLISH: Hunting tower at huge fur farm (fur farm with room for up to 20,000 individuals) on Zealand sabotaged in February 2022. All mistreatment is mistreatment – whether it is confining and breeding individuals, or killing wild individuals. It is all in the past and must stop! DANISH: FEBRUAR 2022, SJÆLLAND Jagttårn ved …
Mar 05
53 Hunting Towers Destroyed (France)
Received anonymously: ENGLISH: A few nights before the last two hunts of the season on the Baville estate (in Essonne), a group of anarchist antispeciesists trespassed into the hunting grounds. This domain privatizes the forest: a wall surounds 40 hectares, a castle and a hunting lodge, La Thébaïde. The owners charge 450 euros per day …
Mar 05
53 Hunting Towers Destroyed (France)
Received anonymously: ENGLISH: A few nights before the last two hunts of the season on the Baville estate (in Essonne), a group of anarchist antispeciesists trespassed into the hunting grounds. This domain privatizes the forest: a wall surounds 40 hectares, a castle and a hunting lodge, La Thébaïde. The owners charge 450 euros per day …
Mar 05
Danish Slaughterhouse Sabotaged
Received anonymously: ENGLISH: THERE’S NO EXCUSE FOR ANIMAL ABUSE! A slaughterhouse on Zealand has been sabotaged by activists in February 2022. The activists have punctured the tyres of several wagons, spray painted messages and destroyed equipment. DANISH: THERE’S NO EXCUSE FOR ANIMAL ABUSE! Et slagteri på Sjælland er blevet saboteret af aktivister i februar 2022. …
Mar 05
Danish Slaughterhouse Sabotaged
Received anonymously: ENGLISH: THERE’S NO EXCUSE FOR ANIMAL ABUSE! A slaughterhouse on Zealand has been sabotaged by activists in February 2022. The activists have punctured the tyres of several wagons, spray painted messages and destroyed equipment. DANISH: THERE’S NO EXCUSE FOR ANIMAL ABUSE! Et slagteri på Sjælland er blevet saboteret af aktivister i februar 2022. …
Feb 24
Hunting Towers Burned (Germany)
According to a german hunting newspaper, since May 2021 multiple hunting hides, seats and towers have been set alight in North Rhine Wesphalia, Germany. The perpetrators have not been identified, even after a heavy police investigation. On the 15th of December 2021, a wildlife camera captured a photo of someone setting alight another hunting seat …
Feb 24
Hunting Towers Burned (Germany)
According to a german hunting newspaper, since May 2021 multiple hunting hides, seats and towers have been set alight in North Rhine Wesphalia, Germany. The perpetrators have not been identified, even after a heavy police investigation. On the 15th of December 2021, a wildlife camera captured a photo of someone setting alight another hunting seat …
Feb 24
3-Year Campaign Against Hunter, 7 Dogs Liberated (Spain)
Over the past three years, Alicante Spain. According to a hunting newspaper, a relentless campaign in Jávea (Alicante) is making a hunter’s life “unbearable”. He has had continuous action against him, with the fences in his house either pulled down or cut from side to side as well as huge graffiti reading “HUNTERS ARE PSYCHOPATHS”, …
Feb 24
3-Year Campaign Against Hunter, 7 Dogs Liberated (Spain)
Over the past three years, Alicante Spain. According to a hunting newspaper, a relentless campaign in Jávea (Alicante) is making a hunter’s life “unbearable”. He has had continuous action against him, with the fences in his house either pulled down or cut from side to side as well as huge graffiti reading “HUNTERS ARE PSYCHOPATHS”, …
Feb 24
Hunting Lodge Burned to the Ground (France)
According to media reports, a building belonging to Vallée de l’Aître Hunting Society that had served as a meeting point for hunters in the area for 32 years was burnt to the ground on the night of the 16th of January. The 40sqm chalet and all the furniture and belongings were completely destroyed by flames, …