Received anonymously: At just 6 weeks old, their life would have been ended in the most violent and abhorrent way. Now they will be able to live peacefully, happy lives; free from exploitation. Get up and go smash the system. Fught back. Liberate. PS:This is a special FUCK YOU to Moy Park, you vile scumbags!
Tag: animal liberation
Jun 20
Activists Liberate 5 Beagles from MBR (UK)
Originally published on Animal Freedom Movement Activists from Animal Freedom Movement, a project supported by Animal Rebelion, have liberated 5 beagle puppies from MBR Acres! These dogs were bred in this farm, ready to be shipped off to laboratories when they reached around 16 weeks old. Once they reached the labs, they would have been subject …
Jun 20
Activists Liberate 5 Beagles from MBR (UK)
Originally published on Animal Freedom Movement Activists from Animal Freedom Movement, a project supported by Animal Rebelion, have liberated 5 beagle puppies from MBR Acres! These dogs were bred in this farm, ready to be shipped off to laboratories when they reached around 16 weeks old. Once they reached the labs, they would have been subject …
Jun 10
Animal Rights Militia, Others Support MBR Campaign (UK)
Over the past few weeks we have received second hand reports about unreported actions against the laboratory puppy mill MBR Acres. Here are the words of anonymous people who passed on information. Unfortunately as the reports do not come from the activists there is no solid way of knowing the exact details of the actions …
Jun 10
Animal Rights Militia, Others Support MBR Campaign (UK)
Over the past few weeks we have received second hand reports about unreported actions against the laboratory puppy mill MBR Acres. Here are the words of anonymous people who passed on information. Unfortunately as the reports do not come from the activists there is no solid way of knowing the exact details of the actions …
Jun 09
Fast Food Restaurants Sabotaged (Indiana, USA)
Received anonymously: 3 toilets sabotaged at Jack in the Box restaurants by flushing rocks and then paper towels down the toilets. This easily reproducible act of sabotage should be carried at every animal abusing establishment. Hide the rocks in a shopping bag purse or backpack and enter the restroom. Plumbers costs hundreds or even thousands …
Jun 09
Fast Food Restaurants Sabotaged (Indiana, USA)
Received anonymously: 3 toilets sabotaged at Jack in the Box restaurants by flushing rocks and then paper towels down the toilets. This easily reproducible act of sabotage should be carried at every animal abusing establishment. Hide the rocks in a shopping bag purse or backpack and enter the restroom. Plumbers costs hundreds or even thousands …
Jun 07
Arson Destroys Rodeo Arena (Chile)
Originally published by Contrainfo, translated by Dark Nights. In the early morning of May 26, 2022, anonymous hands set fire to the Gil Letelier Huasos and Rodeo Club in the commune of Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Santiago, in addition to leaving pamphlets and bullets as a threat. A few days later the action is attributed by the Animal …
Jun 07
Arson Destroys Rodeo Arena (Chile)
Originally published by Contrainfo, translated by Dark Nights. In the early morning of May 26, 2022, anonymous hands set fire to the Gil Letelier Huasos and Rodeo Club in the commune of Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Santiago, in addition to leaving pamphlets and bullets as a threat. A few days later the action is attributed by the Animal …
Jun 03
Shoplifters Liberate 51 Lobsters (USA)
Received anonymously: 51 lobsters shoplifted and returned to their natural habitat We shoplifted 51 lobsters over a two day period from supermarkets (causing $600 in economic losses), and returned them to their natural habitat in the Atlantic ocean on the northeastern coast of the so called United States. We acclimated them to the water so …
Jun 03
Shoplifters Liberate 51 Lobsters (USA)
Received anonymously: 51 lobsters shoplifted and returned to their natural habitat We shoplifted 51 lobsters over a two day period from supermarkets (causing $600 in economic losses), and returned them to their natural habitat in the Atlantic ocean on the northeastern coast of the so called United States. We acclimated them to the water so …