Received anonymously: We had never seen an intensive bird farm as disgusting as this. Birds shitting on each other whilst standing on wire mesh, a suffocating smell that we will not forget and cages so small the birds could barely stand. The door proved to be easier than we thought. The lock took some convincing …
Tag: Animal Liberation Front
Jun 01
Butcher’s Windows Broken by ALF in Brighton (UK)
Received anonymously: We decided to visit some local points of interest during our holiday to the seaside. This butcher shop took a couple of hits last year so we wanted to join the party even if we were pretty late to it. If hacking animals’ bodies to pieces isn’t bad enough, the owners of this …
Jun 01
Butcher’s Windows Broken by ALF in Brighton (UK)
Received anonymously: We decided to visit some local points of interest during our holiday to the seaside. This butcher shop took a couple of hits last year so we wanted to join the party even if we were pretty late to it. If hacking animals’ bodies to pieces isn’t bad enough, the owners of this …
May 16
ALF Rescues 4 Lambs from Oaks Farm (UK)
Received anonymously: We’ve been following Kent Animal Defenders since their last campaign, its a great place to get tip offs about animal abusers in our area, after reading up on the latest shit pit, we decided to take a visit and found 4 lambs in a tiny area, no water, no food and somehow a large bull …
May 16
ALF Rescues 4 Lambs from Oaks Farm (UK)
Received anonymously: We’ve been following Kent Animal Defenders since their last campaign, its a great place to get tip offs about animal abusers in our area, after reading up on the latest shit pit, we decided to take a visit and found 4 lambs in a tiny area, no water, no food and somehow a large bull …
Apr 16
ALF Liberates 12 Rabbits (Italy)
VIA: ENG: The animal liberation front liberated two female rabbits from their cages. A few days after the action, the rabbits gave birth to ten more babies. Now these twelve beautiful souls are free and happy and will live the rest of their lives away from cruelty and exploitation. SP: El Frente de liberación animal …
Apr 16
ALF Liberates 12 Rabbits (Italy)
VIA: ENG: The animal liberation front liberated two female rabbits from their cages. A few days after the action, the rabbits gave birth to ten more babies. Now these twelve beautiful souls are free and happy and will live the rest of their lives away from cruelty and exploitation. SP: El Frente de liberación animal …
Apr 14
ALF Liberates 2 Rabbits in Vicenza (Italy)
Translation of anonymous report, from Frente de Liberación Animal: The Animal Liberation Front freed two female rabbits from captivity in Vicenza (Italy). A few days after the action, the rabbits give birth to 10 babies. Now 12 beautiful souls are free and happy and will live the rest of their lives far from exploitation and cruelty.
Apr 14
ALF Liberates 2 Rabbits in Vicenza (Italy)
Translation of anonymous report, from Frente de Liberación Animal: The Animal Liberation Front freed two female rabbits from captivity in Vicenza (Italy). A few days after the action, the rabbits give birth to 10 babies. Now 12 beautiful souls are free and happy and will live the rest of their lives far from exploitation and cruelty.